Chapter 11

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Mingyu ended up with Wonwoo in bed. He didn't know if something happend or what. He feel Wonwoo's head on his chest and his arms around his waist. He smiled and caressed Wonwoo's hair.

"Hmm..." Just then Wonwoo open his eyes, he looked up and kissed Mingyu.

"Morning." His deep voice said.

"Morning." Mingyu said and hugged Wonwoo.

"What do you want to eat?" Wonwoo asked and sat up.

"You?" Mingyu joked.

"Its too early Mingyu. How about pancakes and bacons?" Wonwoo said wearing a shirt.


"Let's go then." Wonwoo was about to open the door when it open amd saw his step mom.

"Hey mom, morning." He said and kissed his cheeks.

"Morning, I was going to wake you up. Breakfast is served, I cooked pancake and bacon."

"Sure. Let's go." They went to the kitchen they sat on the chair.

"Seungcheol! Get down here!" His mom yelled.

"Wait a minute!" They heard Seungcheol yelled back.

"Mingyu, I didn't know you're friends with Wonwoo." Mrs. Choi said.

"Well, since Seungcheol and Jeonghan introduce him to us and he was my classmate we become friends." Mingyu explain.

"Yow! Goodmorning!" Seungcheol kissed his mother's cheek and patted Wonwoo and Mingyu's head.

"Is Jeonghan is here?" He asked as he sat.

"Nope, he went home with Minhyuk since they lived pretty close." Wonwoo explained.

"Hmm... Mom, can you give some money?"

"Cheol, I already gave you the other day. What's this for?"

"Nothing. Its okay." He said and proceed to eat.

JEONGHAN went to the kitchen and saw his parents. He greeted him and sat on his usual chair.

"Did you have fun last night?" His mom asked.

"Yeah. But not really." He said lifelessly.


"I don't know? Or because I don't drink and the club was to suffocating? Yeah. That's it." Jeonghan said.

"Would you like to go shopping?"

"Mom, I want to spend my time in my bed, please."

"Aw, my baby don't want to be with me."

"Stop it mom. Im not a baby anymore!" Jeonghan whined making his parents laugh.

"Aish. Im done." He said and went to his room.

MONDAY came and Jeonghan was preparing for school when his phone vibrated. He looked at his phone and saw a text from Minhyuk.

[From: Minhyuk.

         I won't go to school today, my mom wants me to go at my grandparents house. Take care and make sure you'll eat. :*]

Jeonghan smiled at the text he recieved. Minhyuk was relly thoughtful and sweet.

He went to the kitchen and saw his parents, his dad was sitting and his mom preparing for breakfast.

"Goodmorning." He greeted.

"Morning sweetie. Sit down and let's eat." His mom said and sat on her chair.

While eating his mom mentioned something that he wouldn't expect.

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