Chapter 16

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One year past

"Seungcheol!" He heard his dad called him from the living room.

"Wait a minute!" He yelled back. He wore his shirt and ran downstairs.

"Seungcheol~!" Jielian yelled and ran towards him.

"Here's a money, you sure that you'll baby sit them?" Dianne asked.

"Im sure and I'll be fine mom, right Jielian?"


"We'll go ahead, call us when something happend okay? No peanuts for Jielian, and no seafoods for Julian." Dianne said kissing Jielian and Julian.

"Copy! Bye, take care!" Seungcheol kissed his stepmom and hugges his dad. After their parents left Seungcheol faced the two little cuties.

"What's the plan?" Jielian asked.

"Should we go to the park and eat pizza and icecream?" Julian asked.

"Sure, how about you Jielian?" Seungcheol asked.

"Im okay with that!" They jumped in excitement. Just then his phone ring.


{Hey, are you free today?}

"No, Im taking the twins on the park. Why?"

{Im bored. Can I come?}

"Sure, we'll pick you?"

{Sure, bye love you!} Seungcheol just smiled and hanged up.

"Is that Hyeyeon?" Julian asked.

"Yup, she'll be with us."

"Yay! Let's go then!" Seungcheol took his key, wallet and headed to his car. They hopped in. Seungcheol drived to Hyeyeon's house. When they arrive Hyeyeon's already at the gate. When she entered the car she kissed Julian and Jielian. And Seungcheol drove to the park.

When they reach the park the two ran towards the park and start playing. While Seungcheol put his arms aroung Hyeyeon's shoulder.

"Im guessing, your boyfriend ditch you?" Seungcheol said making Hyeyeon punch his stomach.

"No, you're here how come you'll ditch me?"

"Okay, is that what you say." Seungcheol said and they played with the twins.

AFTER playing they went in the pizza house and eat for awhile. Since they didn't eat a lunch.

"Seungcheol, Im going to pee." Jielian said.

"Okay, make it fast okay?" Jielian nod and went to the restroom.

"Julian, wipe your mouth." Seungcheol gave a tissue.

"What a loving dad." Hyeyeon said.

"Funny." Seungcheol said making Hyeyeon laugh.

"Where's Jielian?" Seungcheol stood up and went to the restroom. He saw Jielian talking to a boy.

"Next time be careful okay?"

"I will, thank you mister." Jielian said and bowed.

"Your welcome."

"Jielian." Seungcheol called.

"Seungcheol, he helped me." Jielian pointed the man infront of him.

"Thank you then." Seungcheol said and smiled. "Let's go."

"Sure." Seungcheol and Jielian gave the man one more smile before they leave.

"I think he's nice."

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