Chapter 24

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Wonwoo was at the cafe with Jungkook, he can't looked at the other boy. He can't when he talked about his Mingyu.

"Mingyu was taller than me, he also have a great canine teeth. And oh! By the way, his going to your school also." Jungkook said. Wonwoo can feel that Jungkook is really happy to meet Mingyu. He never saw Jungkook this happy.

He looked at Jungkook and the younger smiled at him. Wonwoo looked away and wiped his tears.

"Do you really like Mingyu?" Wonwoo asked. He saw how tinted a slight pink on his cousin cheeks.

"Yes. He's a great man! And his kind, caring and happy to be with." Jungkook exclaimed.

"So you agreed to marry him?"

"Yeah, besides we can't back out." Jungkook said sipping on his drink. "Hey, are you okay?" He asked when he saw Wonwoo crying. Wonwoo nod and  fake a smile.

"I-I need to go."


Wonwoo didn't go to school for three days, and Mingyu was worried. Because Wonwoo didn't answer any of his text and calls. So, Mingyu decided to go to Wonwoo's house. When the door opened he saw Wonwoo's dad.

"Goodafternoon sir." Mingyu bowed.

"Oh, goodafternoon. Come in." Mingyu entered. "I'll call Wonwoo." Mingyu nod amd waited for Wonwoo at the livingroom. Wonwoo went down, his father took a two glass of juice and place it at thr coffee table infront the couch where Wonwoo and Mingyu sitting.

"I'll give you privacy." Mr. Jeon said and looked at Wonwoo before nodding his head, Wonwoo smiled lightly. When the man walked out of the house, Mingyu took Wonwoo's hand but Wonwoo pulled it away.

Mingyu sighed. "Why aren't you attending any class? You've been gone in three days. You missed a lot." Mingyu looked at Wonwoo, he waited for him to answer but he didn't got any.

"Wonwoo, didn't you missed me? Because I missed you." Mingyu said holding both Wonwoo's hand. This time Wonwoo didn't pulled it. He let Mingyu kissed his knuckles.

Just seeing Mingyu do this makes Wonwoo wants to hugged him, but he restrained himself. He felt some tears poured down on his cheeks.

"Hey, what's wrong? Are you sick? Did something happen?" Mingyu asked worriedly. He stroked Wonwoo's hair gently. Wonwoo closed his eyes feeling the warm of Mingyu's hand.

"Babe, tell me. Please, Im worried." Mingyu said hugging Wonwoo. Wonwoo, cried even more. He don't know how to break up with Mingyu. Right. His going to broke up with Mingyu, for Jungkook, for his parents and for his aunt and uncle.

Wonwoo pulled away and wiped his tears. Mingyu kissed his forehead and Wonwoo cried again. Mingyu cupped Wonwoo's face and pecked his lips. Wonwoo hold Mingyi's hand on his cheeks and rubbed it using his finger.

"Wonwoo, please talk to me." Wonwoo smiled sadly and open his mouth.

"Let's break up." He said voice cracking. Mingyu think he heard it wrong.


Wonwoo took a deep breath and looked at Mingyu. "Let's break up, let's stop this, let's end this." Mingyu withdrew his hand and looked at Wonwoo in diabelieve.

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