Chapter 22

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Seungcheol was happy seeing Jeonghan playing with his brother and sister, they were cute and Jeonghan laugh always. He felt someone tapped his shoulder, when he looked at his side he saw his dad smiling at the scenerio he was seeing.

"So, you're together?" Seungcheol looked at him and smiled. "Dianne told me."

"I should expect that'll happen." He chuckled. "You okay with that? I mean, I was gay and dating him?"

"Why wouldn't I be okay? Look how perfect he is, even I don't want you to date him will you ever listen to me?" Seungcheol shooked his head. "Then Im okay with that, even though I want to have grandchild from you."

"That's not gonna happen, but Im thinking a adoption."

"Finish your study first." He said laughing a bit. Seungcheol nod and smiled at his father.

When Jeonghan was tired he went to the kitchen to take a glass of water, he drank it and saw Seungcheol walking towards him. Seungcheol smiled at him and hugged him tight.


"Nope! Just thirsty." Jeonghan said and hugged Seungcheol back, he kissed his cheek and smiled.

"Can I sleep here tonight?" Jeonghan asked.

"I have class tomorrow, and your parents must be worried about you." Seungcheol said breaking the hug.

"I can call them."

"As long as I want you to be with me all the time, we can't."

"I know, but can you sleep in our house then?" Seungcheol chuckled and kissed Jeonghan's forehead.

"Okay, if that's what you want." Jeonghan smiled in victory he kissed Seungcheol's lips and hugged him tight before he ran towards the twins. Seungcheol shooked his head while laughing.


Jeonghan and Seungcheol arrived at the Yoon's residence, Jeonghan took his key and open the front door.

"Mom, dad Im home!" Jeonghan yelled.

"Kitchen honey!" Jeonghan and Seungcheol went to the kitchen and saw Jeonghan's mom and dad cooking.

"Hi mom, dad." Seungcheol greeted the women smile lovingly and went to Seungcheol to give him a warm loving embrace.

"How are you? Its been a long time when you last visit us."

"Im fine, yeah, it took me 6 months to visit you again."

"What brings you here?" The women asked again and went to the stove to look at the fish she was making.

"Did you have to asked that? Ofcourse Jeonghan was here, and they were holding hands--- let me replace that. Their hands is intertwined to each other. Look how perfect their hand is." Jeonghan's dad said trasing the two.

"Dad!" Jeonghan whined. "Okay, we're together. Happy?"

"Congrats!" His dad said and hugged the two.

"I'll make a delicious dinner for the both of you!" His mom beamed. Seungcheol smiled and hugged Jeonghan's parents.

"Which stage are you, btw. Hmm?" Jeonghan's face was burning right now.


"Dear just answer your dad."

"So what base?"

"Close to the fourth I guess." Seungcheol said making Jeonghan's face even redder.

"They don't need to know!"

"Ofcourse we need to know."

"Ah! Im done with you guys!" Jeonghan said making his way to the stairs to go to his room. When he entered his room he lied on his bed and saw Seungcheol walking towards him.

"Are you going to sleep?" Seungcheol asked and sat on the bed beside Jeonghan.

"Nope." He said and sit down facing Seungcheol. They stared at each other, smiling. Jeonghan can't believe that the man infront of him is now his boyfriend, he's ex-bestfriend now his boyfriend. So good to hear.

Seungcheol leaned at Jeonghan but stop when they were inch apart. "I can't fucking believe that you're mine now."

(Ooppss, this is spg part. Yay! I can't believe I wrote it. T.T)

Jeonghan cupped his face. "Believe it, you're mine now." Jeonghan smiled before leaning and kissed Seungcheol. Seungcheol smiled and kissed Jeonghan back, they can feel each others love, pure passionate and lust.

Seungcheol was now on top of Jeonghan, kissing his neck and biting some part of it. Jeonghan took off Seungcheol's shirt and roamed his hands on his boyfriend's muscular body.

Seungcheol took off Jeonghan's shirt without breaking the kiss, his kiss went down on Jeonghan's chest and put some hickeys on it. Jeonghan moaned lightly and grab Seungcheol's neck to deepened the kiss. Seungcheol grinded his crotch on Jeonghan making him moan a little bit loud.

"Cheol." Jeonghan moaned making Seungcheol to smile and grind harder. Jeonghan can't take it, he pulled Seungcheol's pants together with his briefs.

Seungcheol did the same and minutes had past, Seungcheol was pounding on Jeonghan, making his lover to bit his shoulder to prevent moaning so loud.

Seungcheol still moving on top of Jeonghan when they heard a knock, then Jeonghan's eyes widen the door wasn't locked.


"Don't come in!" Jeonghan shouted. "Cheol wait, don't move." He whispered but Seungcheol didn't listen he smirked before he took Jeonghan's length and moved his hand up and down, as fast as he can making Jeonghan moaned and bite Seungcheols shoulder hard.

"Oh, sorry honey!" Jeonghan can hear her mom giggled, he saw his mom arms sneaked a little and locked the door before closing it.

"I hate you." Jeonghan said and Seungcheol just kissed his lips and move faster.

When they reach their climax, Seungcheol fell on top of Jeonghan. He kissed Jeonghan's forehead and went beside Jeonghan. He covered them a blanket. Jeonghan hugged Seungcheol and put his face on his chest.

"I love you." Jeonghan said.

Seungcheol smirked and think of something. "I thought you hate me?"

"I changed my mind." Seungcheol laugh and making Jeonghan to looked at him, he kissed Jeonghan on the lips and smiled.


Yay! Im sorry!

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