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"Cheol! Make it fast!" Jeonghan yelled. "We're going to be late!"

"Coming!" Seungcheol yelled back and ran to the livingroom, where Jeonghan was waiting for him. He kissed Jeonghan's lips before pulling him to his car. Driving as fast as he can, Seungcheol took Jeonghan's hand and give it a light kiss making his lover smiled. When they reached the venue, they saw their friends there.

"Your five minutes late!" Jihoon said.

"Its Cheol's fault." Jeonghan said hugging their friends.

"Nah, its Jeonghan's fault. He keep on kissing me."

"Do you want me to tell them what really happened?" Jeonghan threatened Seungcheol who just shooked his head.

"Boys, its about to start." Soonyoung said.

"Where's Jisoo?" Jeonghan asked.

"At their room." Seungkwan said. Jeonghan excused himself and went to the room. He saw his bestfriend, he went to Jisoo and hugged him from behind.

"I can't believe Im getting married now." Jisoo said about to cry but Jeonghan shh-ed him.

"You look good, oh my gosh. I can't believe I didn't date you." Jeonghan joked making Jisoo hitted his hands. "But really, you really look good. Jun will surely lucky to have you."

"Thank you." Jisoo smiled warmly.

"Mr. Hong, we'll about to start." One of the event organizer said. Jisoo nod and Jeonghan went out of the room. Today is Jisoo and Jun's wedding, yeah, after almost 7 years of relationship they finally getting married. Jeonghan was happy for his bestfriend, he was very happy.

When the wedding start they all focuse on what the priest said and to Jisoo and Jun's vows. Jeonghan started to tear up.

"I was thankful that you were always there for me, when Jeonghan broke my heart." He laugh a bit. "You know, you were the most beautiful happened to my life, that meeting you is a blessing, falling inlove with you is not wrong. I love you very much. Jun-ah, I hope we still stick to each other. I love you!" The people applaud and Jeonghan wiped his tears. He was so happy for his bestfriend.

They transffered to the reception hall and the guest was happy ti see the reception hall so beautiful. The group of friends sat on one big round table. Everyone was happy with their life, Seungcheol was now a business man, Jeonghan was now a nursery teacher. Seungkwan and Vernon had a restaurant as the same time Vernon was running their family company. Soonyoung and Seokmin had a dancing studio while Jihoon, he's one of the known music producer in their country.

They were talking when Mingyu came with Jungkook behind him, greeting their friends as they sat on the chairs.

"Late again." Jihoon said.

"Sorry, I have lots of work to do." Mingyu explain.

"Its okay, atleast your here." Jeonghan said. When Mingyu sat down, the event started. Jisoo and Jun shared their first dance as newly wed, and after that the guest also dance. Jeonghan was just sitting watching the others dance, Seungcheol was nowhere to be found. He just sat there and watch his friend dancing romanticly. Jeonghan was happy for his friends, they end up together through good and bad. After a while, Seungcheol  came back and kissed Jeonghan's temple.

"Can we dance?" Seungcheol said and Jeonghan nod, taking Seungcheol hands. They stood at the crowd and Jeonghan put his arms around Seungcheol's neck while Seungcheol put his arms on Jeonghan's waist. Swaying on the music, Jeonghan put  his head on Seungcheol's chest.

"You know that I love you, right?" Seungcheol said kissing Jeonghan's head.

"Yeah, you said it hundereds of times." Jeonghan smiled. Whrn the song finished, its time to say message for the newly wed so, Soonyoung got first then Jihoon, then Mingyu and so on. When Seungcheol turns, Jeonghan smiled at him.

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