Chapter 6

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The class ended and Seungcheol ran towards Jeonghan's room. He saw Jeonghan talking to Minhyuk and Minhyuk was pouting.

Seungcheol want to punch Minhyuk. Only him can pout at Jeonghan.

"Hannie~" Seungcheol said making Jeonghan to pulled his hand from Minhyuk's hair.

"Let's go?" Seungcheol asked.

"Sure. Bye, Hyuk!" Jeonghan waved and ran towards Seungcheol.

"Where are we going again?" Jeonghan asked.

"We're going to mall." Seungcheol said smiling.

"Right, but I need to go home by... 7? I guess, I have something to do."

"I'll help you with that." Jeonghan smiled and nod his head as he follows Seungcheol on his car.

They decided to go to mall. First they eat and second they played on the arcade. Jeonghan didn't realize the time, its already 9:37.

"Oh, my. Seungcheol, I need to go home I have lots of assignments and project to do." Jeonghan said picking his bag.

"Im sorry, let's go." They went to the parking lot and hopped in, inside the car. Seungcheol drive at the drive thru first to buy something to eat. After that they went to Yoon's residence.

"Where have you been?" Jeonghan's mom asked when he open the door.

"I-im sorry, mom." Jeonghan bowed.

"Im with him, sorry 'bout that mom." Seungcheol bowed too.

"Okay, okay. Its school night, don't ever do this again. Go to your room, you too Cheol sleep here. I'll call your mom." Seungcheol and Jeonghan nodded their head before going up on Jeonghan's room.

When they went inside Jeonghan's room. Jeonghan went to his study table and start doing his homeworks. While Seungcheol took off his uniform and jump on Jeonghan's bed.

"You should change your clothes first." Seungcheol said.

"Its fine, I need to finish all of this tonight." Jeonghan said and wore his eyeglass. Seungcheol stood up and went to Jeonghan's side.

"Let me help you." Seungcheol said but Jeonghan disagreed. Seungcheol feel a bit guilt that he took Jeonghan on the mall.

Its already, 12:08 and Jeonghan was still doing his project. He really want to sleep. His eyelids getting heavier. Seungcheol noticed that, he looked at Jeonghan who's now sleeping. He walk towards Jeonghan and carry him to his bed. Then he walk towards the study table and continued what Jeonghan's doing earlier before he fell asleep.

He finish the project around 3:31 am. He rubbed his eyes and went to Jeonghan's bed, he lied beside Jeonghan.


Jeonghan wake up and sat on his bed rubbing his eyes. His still sleepy, he only sleep for six hours.

When his vision was clear enough he saw his projects and assignment on his study table. He stood up and walk towards his study table. It was all done. He check all the papers and projects and its all done.

He smiled when he saw the hand written, Seungcheol tried to copy his hand written. Jeonghan went to the bathroom and did his morning routine. When his done he walked towards the kitchen, he saw his mom and Seungcheol.

"Goodmorning, sweetie!" Jeonghan's mom greeted and kissed his cheeks.

"Goodmorning." Jeonghan said sat on his usual chair. His mom placed a plate and a glass of hot choco infront of him.

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