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'Oh my god. Oh my god. Guess what?' Liv squeals on the phone. 

'Oh my god. Oh my god. What?' I imitate her tone.

'So yesterday, I bumped into Connor at HMV right then we got to talking. It was amazing. Then he called me this morning seeing if we can do this again!' She speaks excitedly. I grin ear to ear, even though she can't see me but I'm so happy for her because I know she likes Connor.

'Oh my god, you two are gonna be the cutest couple EVER!' I giggle.

'I know right! Oh by the way, Tristan sent a text to everyone, saying to be at your house at 2. What is it about?' She asks, in a serious tone.

'Oh erm, I haven't been told anything. I don't know actually' I furrow my eyebrows in confusion.

'I'll be there in a few minutes. Love ya' She says before hanging up, not giving me the chance to say love you too but she already knows that I love her.


'Squad meeting. Ooh fun' Brad rubs his hands together and wiggles his eyebrows, causing me to stifle with laughter. 

'Really. Squad?' James questions, still not getting over that word mentioned by Brad.

'Yes. Shut up' Brad chuckles, rolling his eyes at James then quickly looks at me before back at Tristan.

'Anyway. James and I have been talking to our parents and Bailey's parents for a couple days. They gave us money to buy plane tickets to LA to see Bailey' Tristan says with a biggest smile on his face. Liv and I stand up and screams so loud, the boys covers their ears with their hands.

'Oh my god. For how long?!' Liv asks so happily.

'For three weeks' James replies. Liv an. I continue screaming, jumping up and down.

'That's so great. Thank you!' Brad smiles. Connor joins in the screaming and jumping, making everyone laugh.



'Liv' I call out. She looks at me with her big blue eyes, causing my stomach to flutter.

'Yeah?' She softly asks.

'Come with me' I smile standing up, holding my hand out for her to grab as I lead us to the kitchen away from the others.

'What's wrong?' Liv asks, looking nervous.

'Nothing' I chuckle lightly. 'So, I don't know how to say this but would you like to go on a date with me tomorrow night?' I ask, while my heart is beating so far and my palms are getting sweaty.

'Yes. I would love to' She grins widely, wrapping her arms around me. I sigh quietly in relief, squeezing her.

'Ooh what's going on' Brad interrupts, getting a bottle of water from the fridge. I clear my throat, pulling away from Liv.

'He asked me on a date' Liv smiles at me, not taking her eyes off me.

'You finally did it bro' Brad smirks, punching my arm. I awkwardly chuckle, giving him a glare, signalling him to go away.

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