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'You're actually so mean!' I exclaim, frowning at Brad.

'You're meaner' He frowns back at me, trying to hold my hand but I flinch.

'What's wrong?' He asks, furrowing his eyebrows.

'Huh? Nothing' I quickly speak. I hold his hand so he won't keep asking if I'm okay.

'Guys have you seen Connor?' Liv asks, catching up with us.

'He said he's gone back to the hotel to change his shoes. He'll be back soon' I reply. With my spare arm, I wrap it around Liv's shoulder as we walk along the beautiful glistening sea.

'What do you guys think of Harley?' Liv asks, raising an eyebrow.

'He's an ass' Brad rolls his eyes. I chuckle slightly, looking at the sand as we walk.

'He's a creep. He stares at the both is us when we're not looking' I explain to Liv. She looks pretty horrified, raising her eyebrows.

'Ew' She shudders. I laugh in response, shaking my head.

'I don't ever wanna see him again but he's Bailey's friend and we need to try and get along for her sake' Brad sighs.

'Yeah. If he does anything one more time, I'm not going anywhere near him' I say. We walk over, meeting Tristan and James who's sat on the pier, on their phones.

'Aria, can we talk?' James asks quietly, tapping my shoulder.

'Yeah sure' I let go off Brad's hand and follows James away from the others.

'I spoke to Joe and thankfully, everything's back on track' He grins ear to ear. I hug him tightly, so happy for him.

'Well that's good. I'm glad you called him' I smile.

'Thanks to you. If I haven't told you, I wouldn't have called him' He thanks me. I smile at him.

'Are you ever gonna tell the boys?' I ask as we slowly make our way back to the guys.

'No and let's keep it that way' He mutters as we sit down with them.


'We literally haven't spent an entire day without Harley' Connor whines as we arrive back into the hotel.

'Suck it up' I reply, making Brad and James snigger with laughter.

'It's only for dinner' Tristan replies, opening his door.

'See you in 15 minutes' I say to the guys before Liv and I head back into our room.

'Why do you think Harley organised this dinner?' Liv asks, raising an eyebrow.

'Because he's a creep and wants to look at us again' I laugh.

'Shut up' She groans, looking for an outfit in our wardrobe.

'Don't wear anything too revealing' I remind her, obviously joking.

'I can wear whatever I want. If he looks, Connor will beat him up' She smirks, shrugging her shoulders.

'Go you!' I sing, clapping my hands at her.


'Smoking hot' Brad whispers, hugging me from behind.

'Why thank you' I chuckle, catching Harley rolling his eyes at us. I brush past him, holding Brad's hand so we arrive at the restaurant first before the others.

'This is already killing me' Brad whines, quietly.

'Table of 8 please' Harley politely asks the woman who works here. She smiles at him, taking us to our table. I sit in the middle, between Brad and Tristan, opposite Bailey and Harley.


'I'm so full' I whine.

'That's a shock' I hear Harley mumble. I catch a glimpse of Bailey nudging Harley in the side.

'What is your problem?' Tristan rudely asks Harley. He looks at Tristan with a blank expression.

'He didn't mean it' Bailey speaks, defending Harley.

'Nothing' He replies, while staring at me. I quickly hold Brad's hand under the table, squeezing.

'Guys calm down' Bailey sighs, rolling her eyes.

'I just wanna enjoy my food' Connor chuckles awkwardly. I look down at my thighs in silence, not wanting to say or do anything.

'Aria can I talk to you?' Bailey asks, standing up. I nod my head, letting go of Brad's hand and follows her to the bathroom.

'What's wrong with Harley?' She asks, folding her arms to her chest. I sit on the sink counter, letting out a sigh.

'Nothing' I shrug my shoulders.

'Don't do that. I know there's something going on' She replies, looking really annoyed.

'He's a dickhead. He's a pervert. What's to like about him?' I ask, getting off the sink and stands up straight, facing Bailey.

'No he's not?' She questions.

'Yes he is. Go ask Brad or the boys. They'll agree' I fold my arms to my chest.

'He's trying so hard but you guys keep throwing it back in his face!' She snaps at me.

'Me? I did nothing but listen to him bringing up my eating disorder. He wouldn't do it if you didn't bring it up in the first place!' I exclaim.

'This is all my fault?' She asks, looking hurt.

'Yeah that's exactly what I'm saying' I say.

'What happened to you?' She gasps, furrowing her eyebrows in sadness.

'Nothing, what happened to you more like. Defending a guy who's a fucking pervert and who tries to make a move on your friends. You barely know him and you're choosing him over us' I storm out of the bathroom, leaving her alone. I rush to the table, taking my handbag and walks out of the building.



'Where's Bailey?' Harley asks, looking around the restaurant for her.

'Who cares. I'm going after Aria' I sigh, noticing it's raining and Aria doesn't have a jacket. I get up and runs out of the building, but she's nowhere in sight.



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