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Screaming. I could only hear screaming. Whose screaming was it? Was it my own? I could only focus on the fact that I was running. Running from things that appeared to be...wolves maybe? Whatever they are, they are definitely not friendly. Just keep running. Come on, you can do it. This is no time to give up, because if you do, you're going to die. Just keep ru-

All of a sudden, out of no where, a tree root caught on to my foot and I tripped. The wolf creatures caught up, and were drooling over my head when I looked up. Oh no. Im doomed. One big wolf thing bursted out of the cluster cluster of them, and came after me, and then-

I blacked out.

And then what? My eyes fluttered and I shook my head which brought me back to the real world. It was all just a dream. Thank goodness. I felt my face, realizing I have been sweating. I also noticed a small group of people all running out of my room giggling. Oh, now I get it.

I took a quick shower, changed, did my hair, and threw on some eye-liner and mascara. Then I made my way downstairs into the living room, only to be met by the same people who were in my room that were messing with me in my sleep.

"Andrea! What the heck. I was sleeping. And why did u let Kian, Sam, and JC mess with me too!?" I yelled at my older sister.

"Sorry Jesselynn. We were just having fun. Sorry we scared you so much that you peed your pants," Andrea began to laugh. The boys joined in with her.

"Haha so funny. You know I didn't pee. You guys are such noobs."

"Awe c'mon Jess. We were just playing. You know we love you," JC said. JC is like a big brother to me.

"Whatever guys," I rolled my eyes and smirked.

"Hey the rest of the gang is meeting up at Taco Bell with Jenn and Rebecca too. You want to come Jess?" Kian asked.

When Kian said "the gang", he was referring to the members of their YouTube collab channel called "Our2ndlife" or O2L for short. The members of O2L are Kian, JC, Sam, Connor, Ricky, and Trevor.

"Yeah I'll go," I replied.

I grabbed my Penny board that I named Angeles, and headed out the door along with everyone else. All of us just glided on our boards until we reached Taco Bell. We met up with Connor, Trevor, Jenn, Ricky, and Rebecca.

Right after we greeted each other, JC and I immediately ran up to the counter to get the 12 taco package. We always split the whole thing since we are such pigs.

We made our way to the table, then dug into our first tacos before anyone else even took their seats.

Everyone was seated by the time JC and I were on our third taco.

"Jess, how are you not the most obese 17 year old in America?" Connor joked.

"Con, you shut it. I've seen the way you eat Nutella. There's a reason why you don't have a six-pack." I teased back.

"Good one. But in a month or so I'll have abs. I've been going to the gym more often. So don't you worry."

"Why in the world would I worry?"

"'Cause I know you have a crush on me, Jesselynn."

"Yeah, in your dreams, Franta!"

"Whatever, Russett!"

I would never like a guy like Connor. He's always making fun of me like that. But he is cute. No. Stop. He's not cute. He's ugly and mean. Oh, but those eyes. That hair. His smile. They're....stop! Just eat your taco, Jess.

"Andrea and I are going to head out and catch a movie," Kian announced.

"Okay. See you guys later," JC said in a flirtatious way while raising his eye brows multiple times in a row while smiling.

Kian rolled his eyes. As he grabbed his jacket, he put his arm around my sister, and they left.

I envy her. She's so gorgeous and perfect, even her relationship is perfect. Not only that, but guys are always falling for her, while I sit here like a single loser.

"Trevor and I got to leave too. My mom is dropping us both off at my place. Buy guys!" Trevor and he got up, and as they walked out the door they waved.

"Yeah. Rebecca and I have to go to. We still need time for our girls' night," Jenn said. "Jess, you want to join?"

"No thanks. JC and I were going to go Penny boarding after this," I answered.

"Okay, suit yourself," Rebecca said. Then, they left too.

Only JC, Connor, Ricky, and I were left.

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