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"What colors should I pick?" Connor asked me as he stared at his computer screen.

He was online customizing a Penny board because he said, and I quote, "I am determined to learn how to ride, and I'm am going to do so with my very own board".

"Ooh, you should do white for the deck and get a red grip!" I suggested.

"Ok, and what would the bolts, trucks, and wheels be?"

I shrugged.

"Black it is," he decided.

I smiled as he finished up the order and then finally closed his laptop.

"This whole ordering a Penny board thing has got me really pumped to learn. Do you think we could go skate right now?" he asked me hopefully.

I chuckled at his enthusiasm and responded with, "Yeah, sure. Who's board are you going to use?"

"Who ever lets me use theirs," he said with a shrug. 

"Okay, then we shall go around the house and ask," I instructed.

We stood up from our original sitting position and walked out of Connor's room. The first room we stopped at was JC's room. Connor knocked on the door, but there was no response.

"JC," Connor called his name.

"What?" JC responded. His mouth sounded like it was full of food.

Connor opened the door and barged in and said, "Jess and I are gonna go skate. Can I borrow your board?"

"Um, since you are being so rude, no," he snapped as he shoved a handful of chips into his mouth. "Can I come skate with you guys?"

"Um, since you are being so rude, no," Connor mimicked while making a face.

JC rolled his eyes, stuck his tongue out, and then stuffed more chips into his mouth.

"C'mon Connor. We should let him come. It'd be fun!" I suggested.

"Ugh, fine, but only if you let me ride Rasta. You can ride your maroon one," Connor bargained.


JC stood up from his bed, dusted of the remaining crumbs, and went into his closet to pull out his boards. He handed Rasta to Connor then we all left the room.

As we walked down the stairs, we bumped into Kian and Sam. They noticed the boards and basically invited themselves to tag along. Oh well. Whatever.

When we stepped out the door, we all decided to skate down to the Grove. It was a good distance away, but we didn't care. YOLO right? Hahaha, ok, I'll stop now.

Anyway, after a while of slowly skating two feet then stopping to help Connor, we finally were skating a steady pace.

"Guys! I'm doing pretty good!" Connor yelled to everyone.

"Yeah, except for the fact that you look like you're about to dump one since you're squatting so low!" Kian shouted back causing everyone else to laugh. He even caused me to make a slight snorting sound.

"Whatever. Just leave me alone and go back to playing with your own LAWLEYpop," he said in the most dirty way possible.

Everyone said, "OOOOHH," like you would when anyone got burned.

"Too far bro. Too far," Kian said shaking his head.


We finally made it to the Grove, and we all went our separate ways.

As I began to walk towards a cute little beanie kiosk, I felt an arm wrap around me.

"And where are you going? Trying to ditch your man?" Connor quietly said in my ear.

"No of course not," I said as I turned to gave him a peck on the the lips.

We both smiled then started looking the selection of beanies. I found a cute white and grey Neff beanie and tried it on.

"How do I look?" I asked Connor.

He looked up at me from the orange beanie he had in his hand and smiled.

"It looks cute," he said.

"Why thank you," I smiled back at him. "Are you going to get that orange one?"

"Maybe, or I might get this blue one," he held both of them next to each other.

"I think the blue one would look better on you," I suggested.

"Alright," he said walking up to the register with me.

I placed my beanie on the counter, and the cashier scanned it.

"That'll be $13.50," he said.

I began to shuffle through my bag for my wallet until a twenty was already handed to the cashier.

"Also charge this one," Connor said as he handed the man his blue beanie and another ten dollar bill.

"You don't have to do that," I said.

"I know, but I wanted to," he smirked.

I sighed and nodded. "Alright, but I'm paying for any food we get," I insisted.

"Ok, maybe," he said as he wrapped an arm around my waist.

I rolled my eyes. I'm definitely paying for food. End of story.

"Let's go to another store now," Connor suggested.



After stopping at a ton of different stores, we headed to the food court to meet up with the rest of the crew. I noticed JC sitting at a table with Kian waving at us to come over.

"Hey," I said as I placed my bags onto the ground. "Where's Sam?"

JC nodded over in the direction where Sam was flirting with some girls. I rolled my eyes and scoffed. 

"Of course," I commented.

"I'm gonna go get some food over at the Chinese food place," Connor told everyone. "Care to join me?" Connor asked me hold out his hand.

"Yeah sure, " I replied smiling as I placed my hand in his.

We walked up to the counter and my eyes scanned over the menu. 

Not long afterwards, we returned to the table. I had a plate of white rice and teriyaki chicken and Connor's plate consisted of orange chicken and brown rice. The JC, Kian, and Sam were already almost done with their pizza, so they were mostly just waiting on us.

They obviously got annoying after a while, so Connor politely suggested for them to go ahead and continue shopping or doing whatever they wanted instead of waiting for us to finish. They got the hint and decided to go see a movie.

Once they were far enough away, Connor turned to me and said, "Now that they're gone, you want to go have some real fun?"

"Heck yeah!" I smiled excitedly. Knowing how adventurous and open-minded Connor is, I had no clue to what he may have in mind. "What are we going to do?"

HIs answer shocked me. I expected something insane since he's gone sky-diving, bungee jumping, race car drifting, taken a parkour lesson, and much more, but he suggested going to a park instead. 

"Alright, sure," I responded. 


A/N: Hey guys! Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I have no excuses...I'm going to be honest...I have a serious case of...LAZINESS. I literally just kept pushing this chapter off 'cause I found that it was very boring to write and I bet it was very boring to read as well. Sorry it was so short and choppy. Next chapter I will try to add some excitement! I promise! Thanks for reading all my readers! 

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