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Connor's POV

Jess was drooling on my shoulder as we the helicopter began to land. She looked so adorable, but since we are landing soon, I decided that I should probably wake her up.

"Jess," I quietly whispered into her ear and shook her gently.

Her head jerked up.

"Huh?" she asked quietly as her eyes drooped from the hazy feeling she must've felt.

"We are about to land and I thought that I should've woken you up, so you'd know."

"Oh, thanks," she said sitting up. "Sorry, I think some of my spit slipped on your shoulder."

"Nah, don't worry about it. It was probably JC's," I joked.

"Hey! I heard that!" JC complained.

I ignored him of course.

The helicopter began to dip down suddenly as we got closer to the landing destination. The motion made my stomach feel like it did a flip.

After a few more dips, the helicopter made contact with the ground. Carl yanked the door open and gestured us towards it with a smile.

"Thanks again, Carl!" I yelled over the propellor's loud whipping sounds.

"No problem!" he shouted back while nodded at each of us.

He helped us out then closed the door after giving us one last wave good-bye then took off again.

I turned my head back around and noticed everyone separated heading in the direction of their own families who had been waiting for them to arrive. Hoping to find my own, I scanned the area but found no one.

Jesselynn's POV

I noticed Connor searching anxiously for his parents or siblings, only to find none. I saw the disappointing look in his eyes and slid my hand into his while smiling at him. He returned the smile.

I noticed Brian ran to a pretty girl, and scooped her in his arms. That must've been Judy. The tears in their eyes showed how happy they were to see each other, and this even made my eyes water slightly.

"I see your parents," Connor said, breaking me from my thoughts.

"Oh, yeah," I muttered while beginning to make my way towards them.

I noticed Andrea peeking out from behind my parents, and I quickened my pace. Connor followed with his hand still grasping mine. My parents and sister noticed me, and huge grins spread across their faces.

"Oh my goodness! Jessabear!" My mother yelled as she pulled me into a tight but warm embrace.

She pulled back still leaving her arms on my shoulders. Her face had fresh streams of tears running down her cheeks.

"We heard the news about the crash. Luckily, Andrea had her phone and saved the people on her life boat, but when we found out you weren't on that same boat, we became worried sick. I was very scared. I called any number I could to get people to find you, but they kept telling me the same thing-that they were searching the best they could for everyone from the cruise. You know it's been over ten days that I've been worrying about you? I guess that-" my mothers blabbering was cut off by my father's voice.

"Honey, I think she gets the point."

She chuckled and said, "Right. Well you're here now. Thank the Lord!"

My mom let go of me, but was quickly replaced by my sister.

"Holy crap, Jess, I missed you!"

"Missed you too, Andrea!"

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