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A/N: hey sorry I haven't updated in so long! School is a lot of work ya know. Hope you like this chapter!
Please comment and vote too! :)

When I wake this time, the sun is out. I can tell since the light peeks through a little opening in the tent door.

I sit up from my sleeping position and rub my eyes as I stretch. It felt nice.

"Good morning," Paige mumbled sleepily. She must've heard me shuffling around.

"Oh sorry, did I wake you?"

"No, it's fine," she yawned. "Hm, I'm hungry. Are the boys up yet?"

I shrug as she reaches for the door and opens it. We both crawl out and see that Kyle is the only one up.

Good. I'm not ready to face Connor yet.

"Hey Kyle," Paige and I both say at different times.

"Hey Paige, hey Jess," he greets us back.

"What's up?" Paige asks while trying to untangle her messy hair with her fingers. Good idea, I should do that too.

"Thinking of what we should do for breakfast. If we travel through the forest, I think we could find some berries or something. I don't feel like eating fish again," he responds.

"Yeah sounds like a good idea," I respond.

"We also need to clean ourselves. We can use that little lake with the waterfall to wash everything," Paige suggests.

"We can do all of that stuff when the other guys wake up," Kyle said.

We nod in agreement even though part of me doesn't agree. I want to leave before I see Connor.

Connor's POV

Brian, Kyle, and I are all walking around in search of berries while the girls are at the waterfall washing clothes and cleaning themselves.

Kyle was the one who suggested the split up. Good thing he did. Jess wouldn't even look at me. The mood felt so tense between us.

"How about these?" Brian asks Kyle while pointing to a bush.

"No, those ones aren't safe. They look poisonous," Kyle responds.

"Oh," Brian quietly says as we keep moving.

"If this is a tropical forest, shouldn't we be able to find stuff like bananas and coconuts?" I asked.

"Yes, but I haven't seen any as we've been searching. But if you find some, feel free to tell me. In the mean time, keep looking for other things too," said Kyle.

"How do you know all this survival stuff anyways?" Brian asks. I've been wondering that too.

"My dad was into this kind of stuff and taught me about what he knew. I guess I had a natural interest in it too. So, we would camp a lot in different environments to test our survival skills and learn more things," Kyle answered.

"That's pretty cool," I said to Kyle.

"Yeah. When we-"

"Guys look!" Brian shouted while interrupting Kyle. We all looked where his finger pointed. "Bananas!"

"Yes!" I said while pumping my fist. We began to jog towards it direction. Who knew bananas would be so exciting?

Jesselynn's POV

So we split up from the guys. Figured as much. I wasn't going to bathe if they were with us.

"So what's the deal with you and Connor?" Paige asks me as she rings out the wet shirt she holds. It was hers of course.

"What do you mean?"

"You know exactly what I mean. You guys were all lovey-dovey and now you guys are avoiding each other out of no where," Paige said as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

I was shocked that she noticed. "I don't know," I said shrugging. "And we weren't acting 'lovey-dovey'. We are just friends."

"Whatever. I know somethings up, and I plan to find out what it is."

Why does she care so much? I decided to change the subject. "Well, what's the deal with you and Kyle, huh? He your boyfriend?"

She blushes. "Um, no. I actually didn't even know him until the crash happened."

"Do you like him?"

She blushes even more. "Like, um, like-like him?"

I laugh at the fact we sound like little kids. "Yes, like-like."

"I dunno. He's been so sweet and kind to me and he so smart. And cute."

"So, that's a yes?"

She chuckles and says, "Um, I guess so."

"That's what I th-" I got interrupted by something hitting me in the head and knocking me over. "Ow," I said while rubbing my head.

Paige began laughing.

"What the heck hit me?" I asked.

"It was a...it was a...i-it was..." she couldn't stop laughing.

"Spit it out woman!" I shouted.

"A COCONUT!" she bursted out while cracking up even more.

I sat up and found it lying a few inches away from me and frowned at it. That was a hard coconut.

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