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My alarm? Ugh but I want to sleep.

"5 more minutes, mom," I mumbled half asleep.


The alarm is really loud today. I turned over slightly and hit the alarm clock so it would shut off.


What? Why did my alarm clock just say ow? I felt the alarm clock with my fingers. I felt a nose.

"Um Jess, that's my face," Connor sounded sleepy as well.

I then remembered I wasn't at home, but on a cruise ship. Wait. What is that alarm sound coming from anyways?

I suddenly felt a shock of realization and fear rush through my body.

"Oh my gosh, Connor, wake up, right now!" I shouted.

"Noooo..." his voice trailed off.

"You need to, NOW! THE SHIP IS SINKING!"

I saw him suddenly snap awake. We both jumped off the bed and ran out the door, but Connor grabbed a bag first.

"Here, you'll need this," he said as we ran down the hall with the other people trying to save their own lives. He had a pair of shorts in his hand.

"Ugh, not now!" I responded as we took a sharp turn. I was too busy running.

He shoved them in his bag as we ran towards the life jackets. The main deck was packed with people either trying to calm everyone or with people panicking. To make things even better, it was still pouring rain.

"Everyone, please stay calm. Grab a your water flotation devices and make your way to where the life boats are," a few men who clearly worked there yelled to everyone.

Everyone tried following the directions, but obviously no one was able to stay calm. As the ship kept tilting over, more panic consumed the crowd.

Connor and I made it into a boat with three others. There were two boys and one girl.

Connor handed me some shorts and I quickly slipped them on. Luckily, no one would notice me since they were all too busy dealing with the situation at hand.

My gaze locked on the man holding the rope to our boat. It looked like if he let go of it, the boat would immediately plop into the water with all of us in it.

When the boat shifted harshly tipping upward as it got deeper in the water from sinking, that's exactly what happened. He didn't mean for it to happen, it just did.

Everyone screamed reacting to the sudden falling movement, as did I, but I didn't really realize I was. It was just a voluntary reaction that I didn't think about because none of this felt real. None of it at all. It all felt like a dream...or a nightmare.

All of our screaming settled when we hit the water. The other girl on the boat began to hyperventilate. The short guy on the boat instinctively jumped over to a red box labeled "emergency supplies" on the ship and grabbed a bag for her. She held the bag up to her mouth and breathed heavily into it. The short guy patted her back for comfort.

As she began to calm down, I looked over at the other guy in the boat who began to hook the oars onto the side of the boat and began to paddle. He steered us away from the sinking cruise ship. He was really fit so it wasn't that hard of a task for him. He had biceps that looked like they were a whole foot in diameter.

None of us talked. Most of us just looked at the scene around us. We couldn't see too much though, since it was too dark out. We saw the outline of the cruise ship that gave off some light, and the outline of small boats trying to flee the area.

I noticed we all had the same look. We all looked scared, worried, but we also had a look that read "this can't be real".

After a while, when we were a pretty good distance away from the sinking cruise ship, we seemed to have calmed down from the intenseness of that situation. Still, no one said a word.

"So, what now?" I decided to finally break the silence.

The large muscle man immediately started talking first. "First, we need to cover our boat with this tarp," he said gesturing towards it as he kept rowing. "Then, we empty out the water in the boat and figure out food and water supplies."

We all nodded and began to cover the built in metal frame with the tarp. It felt nice not to feel cold, wet drops of rain and ocean water soak my clothes even more than they already were soaked. Of course my feet were still in water since about 3/4 of a foot of water got into the boat.

We used all sorts of things to try and empty it; we used oars, some cups we found in the emergency supplies box, our hands, and someone even used their shoe.

Basically, all of it got cleared by the time we were all about to pass out.

I slumped down on the built in seats and sighed.

"Tiring, huh?" Connor asked me as he sat down beside me.

I nodded.

"Guys, there's only three blankets," the girl informed us. She was holding a flashlight while shuffling through the supplies box.

"We can share one," Connor offered referring to the both of us.

"I don't need one, so you two can each have one," the muscle man said to the short guy and the girl.

"Are you sure?" the girl asked.


She shrugged and took two blankets and handed one to the short boy. Connor grabbed the other one and brought it over to our spot.

We sat on the ground and took off our life jackets to use as pillows, then laid down.

Once everyone else got comfortable, the girl turned off the flashlight, and it became pitch black again.

"Connor," I whispered to him.


"What's going to happen to us?" I asked truly scared.

"Sooner or later someone will come and rescue us."

"How do you know?"

"Because, a lot of people are expecting a ship full of famous YouTubers to return, and when it doesn't, they'll know something's wrong."

I sighed. He was right. He had to be right.

Connor then wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me close to comfort me. I would've pulled away but I needed his comfort. I was scared.

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