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Day Ten

"Hey! Kyle and I are gonna get some more food for later! See ya guys later!" Paige shouted to JC and I.

"Kay, have fun you two! If you know what I mean," JC joked with a devilish smirk on his face.

Kyle scoffed and Paige rolled her eyes as they left.

JC and I are sitting on the beach together eating our breakfast. Oddly, we decided to eat fish. We were just in one of those kind of moods.

"So, how's it going with Con da Bon?" JC asked me.

"Oh, you know, we're trying the best we can do here," I said talking about the island.

"Speaking of the little turd," he joked while nodding his head in Connor's direction.

"Excuse me, Justin Caylen, did I just hear you call me a turd?" he asked with an eyebrow raised.

"Psshhh, what? No, of course no-yeah I did."

"Thought so." Connor pushed JC's head forwards and ruffled his hair.

"Don't mess up my weave, hun, and mind not calling me Justin?"

"Anything for you, my dear JC," Connor said in a British accent while bowing. "And hello my sweet girlfriend."

"I like the way that sounds," I said smirking as he crouched down to kiss me.

He sat down next to me in the sand and pulled me into his lap.

"I like it too," he responded smirking.

I cupped my hand onto his his cheek and pulled his head towards me for another kiss.

"Eeeeewwww, you guys are so gross," JC made a face.

"Yeah, like your face?" I asked.

"Exactly," he said.

I laughed then noticed Brian getting out of his tent. I felt like we should include him so I waved him over.

"Hey, Brian! Come join us!"

He had a confused look then it faded as he jogged over to us.

"Uh, hey," he said.

"Come, sit," I commanded and patted the sand next to Connor and I.

He shrugged and plopped down into the sand.

"I wonder how the fans are dealing with this situation," JC commented.

We all gave him a confused look.

"The YouTube fans. They're probably freaking out."

"Oh yeah, I haven't made a YouTube video in...um..."

"Over 10 days." I finished for Connor.

"Days days!? Jeez. I wonder what's happening with all the other YouTubers," Connor said.

"Imagine what's it's going to be like when we return," Jenn commented out of no where. She must've overheard our conversation.

"Hey! You're up!" JC smiled at her.

"Why yes I am," she replied as she plopped down in between JC and Brain.

She gave Brian the 'sup' nod, which he returned, then fist bumped him.

She's such a guy, if you know what I mean.

"Aw, you guys are too cute!" Jenn motioned towards Connor and I.

I blushed.

"Hey, guys, you know what? We should do something fun," JC suggested.

"Like what?" Brian asked.

"Um, I don't know. Maybe something like...uh...hmm...I know! We should build a sand castle!" JC said looking proud of his answer.

"Are you serious?" Brian asked looking kind of excited. It was kind of adorable how excited he seemed.

"Uh, yeah. I don't kid around when it comes to sand castles, bro," he said.

"I see," Brian nodded.

"We should have a competition!" Jenn suggested. "We can split up into two teams and see who makes the coolest sand castle."

"Yeah! I call being a team captain!" JC shouted.

"Dibs on the second captain!" Connor said.

"Ok. Rock, paper, scissors on first pick?" JC asked.

"Fine by me."

"Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!" they both said in unison.

JC threw down a fist and Connor had a flat hand.

"I win sucka! And my first pick is...Jess," Connor said as I skipped over to his side.

"Of course. I pick...Jenn," JC pointed at her.

"Yeah! We will slay these wusses, ha!" Jenn said.

"I don't know, I mean, we've got Brian on our team. You're bound to lose," I said as Brian made his way over to our side.

I slung an arm around his shoulder, or at least tried to since he's so tall, and he smiled at me.

"We're gonna dominate!" Brian said while pumping a fist.

"Alright. We'll see. Ok, so some ground rules," JC said as we all groaned. "First rule, only one person at a time to get water for the sand. Second, we use whatever tools that we find and claim to be ours. Third, have fun!"

We all whooped.

"We'll spread out and look for tools for 1 min. I'll be the timer so it'll be a fair two on two," Connor instructed. "Okay, here's the count off. 3...2...1...GO!"

Brian and I when on one boat and JC and Jenn went to the other. After getting supplies there and dropping it in a pile, I searched the beach for some things too.

By the time the minute was up, both teams had a good pile of tools to use.

We had a few boxes, a set of plastic utensils, some rocks, a tarp, a bucket, and some leaves.

JC and Jenn had a box, a tarp, a coconut shell, some cups, a bucket, and some plastic zip lock bags.

"Ready to build?" Connor asked.

We all nodded.

"Then let's go!" Connor yelled.

We all ran off.

We all discussed the plan for our sand castle then got to work. Brian filled the tarp with water and dumped it into the bucket, and Connor and I started to work with the sand.


After a long time of building, my stomach growled loudly.

"Someone sounds hungry," Connor smiled at me.

"Guess so," I responded.

"Yeah, I'm hungry too. Can we take a break and eat?" Brian asked all of us.

"Yeah sure!" JC shouted towards us from his side.

"Alright," I said with a nod.

With that, we all dropped our sand covered tools and stood dusting off the sand that stuck to our skin.

I rubbed my back to ease out the ache from hunching over for so long. Some others did the same. Then we all made our way up to the camp site as my stomach growled again. Thank goodness we were going to eat.

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