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It was an amazing sight. Everywhere I looked I saw YouTubers. I was in YouTube heaven.

I grabbed my camera out of my bag and turned it on so I could vlog. Almost everyone else was doing that, too.

I held the camera slight over my head like Joey Graceffa does his vlogs, and began to speak.

"Hey guys. I'm finally on the YT cruise, and it's amazing. There are YouTubers everywhere!"

I panned the area and the camera recorded the bunches of YouTubers and their cameras.

"And look at who I'm with. O2L, Jenn, Rebecca, and Andrea!" They all smiled and waved at the camera.

Then I turned my camera to Connor who spread his arms out and yelled, "These are my people!".

We all laughed.

The focused the camera back onto me as JC and Trevor tried getting into the shot. They kept on pushing each other so they could be seen. It was adorable how childish they were.

"Now we have to check in and find our rooms!" I turned the camera off and slid it into my bag.

"Oh yeah! Our rooms!" Kian shouted.

We would find out the rooming situation when we checked in at the main desk on the ship. So we made our way to it.

After we all checked in, the lady at the front desk handed us each our room keys and some papers. We all checked the numbers on our cards to see if anyone had rooms together, but no one found a match.

"Um, excuse me ma'am, but how come none of us are rooming together?" Sam asked.

"Oh, since this cruise is so you interact with other YouTubers, we roomed you with people you most likely don't know, or don't know too well."

"Oh, okay. Cool," JC said.

We all nodded, and headed in the direction of our rooms. They did a good job splitting us up. About only three or four of us were in the same section.

By the time I got to my section, section E, only Connor and Sam were walking along with me. Sam stopped before Connor and I did since his room was before ours.

As we walked passed three more rooms, I turned left and Connor turned right. Since we were on opposite sides and weren't paying attention, we crashed into each other, and both fell to the ground.

"Oops! Sorry Jess. My bad!" Connor apologized as he stood up.

"Its fine. It's my fault for not looking." Connor gave me his hand and helped me up.

"You're right. It was."

I stuck my tongue out and turned to the door of my room. I slid the key in gently and pulled it back out hearing a click. As I turned the knob, a sudden rush of excitement and fear flowed through my body.

I was excited to meet this YouTuber, but what if they don't like me? Quit worrying, Jess. You'll be fine.

I pushed the door open. A girl with long, curly, black hair turned around and held her hand out.

"Hi, I'm Megan, also known a strawburry17. Nice to meet you!" She smiled.

"Hi! I'm Jesselyn, aka jessrussetXOXO. Aren't you really close friends with Joey Graceffa?"

I watch his videos sometimes and remembered seeing her in some.

"Yep! Do you know him?" Megan asked.

"Kind of. He's friends with Our2ndLife, and so am I, so I see him sometimes."

"So what's your schedule?"

I gave her a confused look.

She pointed to the papers in my hand. "The front desk people should've given you it," she said.

I shuffled through all of my papers until I found it. "This?" I said while showing her.

She nodded then said, "May I see it?"

"Of course!" I responded. I handed it to her, then walked to the bed that was free. I dropped all my stuff down on it and began to unpack a little.

"Ooh! We have the vloggers conference together for tomorrow, Wednesday, and Friday!"

"We should sit together!" I suggested.


We both smiled. It's awesome I already made a friend!

I walked over and looked at both my schedule and her schedule with her. I saw that my schedule was mostly filled with vlog conferences except on Tuesday which was a collab conference, and Thursday which was a skit conference.

I noticed that the conferences Megan had were more diverse. She had a gaming one, a challenge one, a collab one, but on a different day, and a few vlogging ones.

"Why do they have all these different conferences?" I asked Megan.

"So you can interact and compare ideas and strategies with other YouTubers who do similar kinds of videos. Cool huh?"


"Hey, the introduction assembly is starting soon. You wanna hang with me and some of my friends?"

"Oh my gosh, yes!"


I could already tell that this whole cruise is going to be a blast!

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