Chapter 31

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I didn't want to get too excited about today it was only a meeting to see if they could help me. But I couldn't help myself think about having my own place where I would live, how I would decorate and if I would have a garden. I got to the council offices way too early so had to sit around and wait. While I was there I saw all sorts of people coming and going. People dressed smart in suits to a homeless man in rags. There where a lot of people there waiting to see one department or another the most being for benefits and housing.

There where a lot of, I'm assuming single, mums around with buggies and toddlers running around. I saw the babies and thought about my little newt in there, then took a closer look at some of the mums. They looked tired and worn. The kids where crying or playing up. Making so much noise, banging toys off their siblings heads so they screamed too. What if that's going to be me? What if I look like that after I have this baby? What if I can't handle my own kids? Will I be sat in here for hours waiting to be seen for benefits if I can't get a job?

Thankfully before I could go into complete mental melt down a smart looking lady came over and rescued me. She took me off down a corridor to some private interview rooms.

"Please take a seat. My names Donna, we spoke yesterday" she said and say across the table from me.

"Yes I'm issy" I said in a very polite voice.

"Right now I have some notes from your application for housing but I want to know a by more about your situation. As I understand it you are very much adequately housed living with orients who both work and are still in school" she said

"Yes that's all true I suppose" I said feeling rather deflated, she made it sound like she wasn't going to help me.

"You suppose? How about you tell me about your situation and we go from there"

"Okay, well I do live with my parents but they are never home and when they are they don't speak to me. If they do its a raging argument. They hate me and I know your going to say I'm sure they don't, but they really do. See a while ago I was in a very bad car accident along with my twin sister and her boyfriend. I was driving and thought I wasn't drunk, I was wrong I killed her and nearly killed myself and Jason too. It caused all this mess with my parents. I'm still in school but I'm 18 I am finishing this academic year. I am looking for a job right now but haven't had much luck unfortunately. I own my own car now, I actually got yesterday with my own money. You see in trying to get my life on track, well the right track that is. I recently found out that I am pregnant and the father he doesn't want to know he won't even acknowledge me right now. I need to get my life sorted for this baby and part of that is moving out from under my parents and to my own place. I have a list of thins I have to do before this baby arrives and if you can help me tick one of them off then please tell me what u need form me" I said without pausing for her to comment.

"Right. Umm I'm sorry about your sister and your parents. Congratulations about the baby. I think we need to update your application with all this information. As a young person we don't tend to help you get accommodation on your own unless in extenuating circumstances and I think that's what we have here. Do you have anywhere you would particularly like to live?" She asked finally after doing. Lots of typing.

"I haven't thought much about where but I suppose someone where near to my school and main town"

"Okay and you obviously want 2 bedrooms as there would be no point giving you 1 as we would just have to move you again a few. I this later. Now as you don't work you would need to apply for benefits but as you are still in school it becomes very tricky. I'm not encouraging you to drop out of school at all but if you worked it would make things a lot easier. We do have some help available here with job searching we can match you up with appropriate jobs and send your cv for you and let you know about interviews and such would you like that?"

"Yes please, I have tried but can't find anything I just want something simple I don't really have very much skill. I can use a computer though" I said.

"Okay we will need a cv you can email that to us once we have emailed you the details. Now there is no guarantee we will be able to anything for you at all your file will need to be revised by a board, they will look at your circumstances and see if we can help you get a house. If your happy with all that we will be in touch as soon as possible" she smiled at me.

I stood up and shook her hand and said "thanks".

It wasn't exactly the most positive interview but it was a start I suppose.

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⏰ Última actualización: Jul 26, 2016 ⏰

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