Chapter 3

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The next time I woke I could see again. It was dark only a small light shone so I could see my surroundings. I was I a small room that was obviously a hospital room there was a machine next to me beeping away at a steady rate on the other side there was a stand with some bags I fluid hanging on, they where attached to tubes that as I looked down I realised where attached to my hand. there where other wires coming off me to the bleeping machine. I worked out that that was my heart beeping. I sat there and looked down at myself noting the arm and leg both in bright pink casts, I tried to sit but cried out in pain as I tensed my stomach. I relaxed and lifted my gown to see bandages in different places one higher by my ribs one really low and one in the middle. I touched the one lower down and felt the outline of the wound underneath. I tried to remember what had happened but all I got was pain my head throbbed. And I needed a drink.

I thought about getting out of bed but remembered the pain from trying to sit up and thought better of it. I found a buzzer near my bed and managed to press it. A few moments later a lady a me in and looked at me with surprise "your awake". She then ran off again.

The doctors came in next the prides and poked me asked me questions I couldn't answer and then left. I still didn't get my drink I pressed the buzzer again and the nurse came back.

"Do you have any pain my dear" she asked.

"Yes I do but I need a drink my throat is so dry" I managed to croak out.

"I will be right back" she said.

My parents came rushing through the door a few moment later, they both stood there and just looked at me. That's when I remembered something. I remembered hearing them talk before. It was my fault I had caused the crash and I had killed my sister. I had killed Alison and what about Jason had I killed him too. I looked at my mum, I wanted a hug from her but she stayed 4 foot away from me not coming closer, just staring. My eyes stung and years rolled down my cheeks.

"It's my fault wasn't it?" I said "Alison is gone because of me"

My mother turned and walked out my father stopped looked me in the eyes and went to say something but stopped and walked out after my mother.

After that I was told the fu story I what happened from the kind nurse she explained what happened to my sister and Jason and why we had crashed. It had been my fault I was over the limit, just barely but still I was over and I was driving so it boiled down to my fault.

The nurse said I would be released in a few days providing my tests came back alright and they couldn't find any brain damage. Apart from the memory loss from the accident I was all clear. I sat alone in the hospital for those last few days my parents didn't come back till it was time to take me home. I still had bandages on my stomach but they were healing and I had my casts. I was given medication to take and told to rest as much as possible.

Before I left the hospital they have me some leaflets on how to care for my wounds and appointments I had at the fracture clinics. I had to go back for another scan a week later to check on the skull fracture but it was already healing nicely. They also have me a leaflet about pregnancy or getting pregnant after having an ovary removed, it explained how I was going to have my fertility decreased and I would probably need IVF to be able to have children. I wasn't too conserved with this I was only young I would think about it later when in 30.

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