chapter 18

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The annual Halloween party got announced today, each year an upper sixth former would host the party it was strictly invite only but after 2am they let anyone in. A poster had been put up in the common room with the date and place, I was shocked as I knew that address but I thought they must have got it wrong. I saw Jason walk in and I pointed at the poster.

" think they messed up there ain't that your address?" I asked him.

"Yeah it is and no they haven't. I'm throwing the party this year, my mum agreed to it all and is paying part of it the other part my dad is paying for, they think I need to have this party and let off some steam" he laughs.

"But what about your mum, won't she be at home."

" no she's going away to a respite place, she says its like a spa but with medical staff on hand to help" he replies.

" oh right well sounds like you will have fun"

" we will have fun, don't think you can hide from this you better have a costume as well"

"Yes sir" and we both laugh.

The party would be on the Saturday night so the Friday before I decided to go shopping for a costume. I decided to brave asking my dad for some money that morning before school.

" dad could I have some money I need some new bits for school" I asked him quietly.

He looked up at me "don't you get enough allowance a week already if that's gone then your out of luck" he replied then went back to his paper.

"I don't have an allowance I haven't for the last year dad"

"Of course you have the money has still been going into your account every week don't be silly now leave me alone I'm trying to read the paper".

So if the money has still been going in every week then that means that there would be like over £4000 in there maybe more I had savings of over £1000 before the accident and i haven't touched the account since. In fact my card was lost in the accident. The bank sent me a new one I think my dad must have told them what happened. I ran to my room and found a stack of papers that I just threw in a corner and found the one with my banks details on it and the new card was attached to the bottom I tore it off and stashed it in my purse to check later.

Jason text me to tell me to hurry up so I grabbed my bag and left the house.

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