Chapter 12

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It felt like hours had gone by the storm didn't get any worse but it didn't get any better either. The wind still stung my cheeks. Why the hell had I come here today, I'm bloody cursed I am. First I kill my sister now I'm going to end up killing myself.


I could hear a voice on the wind playing tricks on my mind. Again and again I heard it called out.


I curled up even tighter trying to block out the winds taunting words.


"SHUT UP" I scream back into the wind. Yep I an defiantly going mad here talking to the bloody wind of all things.

It worked though the wind stopped saying my name. I could here things moving about, small rocks tumbling down the cliff face. Probably dislodged by the wind and rain. More and more fell they were not going to stop. The cliff was collapsing, I'm going end up trapped by rocks under the water.

My breathing quickens as more stones fall then a large stone falls and splashes in the water surrounding the cave.

"Agghhhh" I scream closing my eyes. Please be quick. please be quick I say to myself.


I look up to find the voice and there is a man stood in the opening of the cave with lots of rope attached to him. He walked closer to me and loops something around me. Pulls me up and over to the edge.

"NO I DONT WANT TO DIE" I scream at him.

He comes close to me and says in my ear " it's okay I've got you your safe now. Trust me. "

I had no reason to trust this man other than the fact he seamed to know a way out of here. So on that basis I trusted him and let him guide me to the edge and out. We dangled precariously against the cliffs just inches above the water. Then we started moving up, something or someone was pulling us up.

Soon we got to the top of the cliffs where there were many hands pulling us up and over the edge, unhooking the ropes from me and wrapping me in tin foil. They took me away from the edge to the safety of a waiting ambulance.

Once inside they asked me many questions. Name, date of birth, was I hurt, did is swallow any water, did I hit my head. I answered what I could but I was shivering, my teeth chatting together rather violently, my body shaking. They covered me with some blankets and strapped me in ready for the ride to hospital.

"We need a contact number for a relative to come to the hospital. Have you got your parents number?" the paramedic asked.

"They won't come" was all I said.

The paramedic didn't push any further. If they really wanted to get them here they could find the number themselves in sure it's in my notes.

I killed my sisterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora