Chapter 8

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The kiss started slow but he pressed his lips harder into mine, slipping his tongue in to fight mine. I kissed him back just as hard. My arms going up to his neck one taking a handful of hair and the other tickling the spot on his neck. He groaned into my mouth, his hands started to feel their way down my body. Slowly now caressing my sides, my stomach and then back up to my breasts.

All thoughts went out of my head all I wanted was Jason. I had wanted him for years. I knew there was a reason I shouldn't be doing this but I couldn't stop my self. My hands explored his chest and caressed his muscular form. He sat up and pulled his top over his head then came back to connect his lips to mine. His hands went under my top and traced the edge of my bra. An moan escaped my lips and he started kissing down my neck. His hands went lower down my body and down my leg.

Our clothes disappeared in a blur of movements, kisses and caresses. No words where said, we said everything with our bodies. He took me there on the sofa in my living room. We fell asleep in each other's arms.

I woke up and he was gone, it was still dark out and I was lying in the sofa now covered in a blanket. My mind was a bit fuzzy, I wasn't sure why I was I. The sofa naked. I sat up pulling the blanket around me. I then remembered what had happened, I shivered "Jason"

I stood up and looked around for my clothes. As I got dressed I noticed the remote control was half way across the living room with its batteries lying a few inches away from it. A flashback hit me of Jason on top of me, holding on to me with his strong arms. I shook my head and finished getting dressed.

I found my phone and checked the time, it was 4:15am, which explained why it was dark and silent, but where had Jason gone? I'm sure I didn't imagine it did I? was it all just a weird dream? It could have been, it did feel rather dream worthy and to be honest it wouldn't be the first time I've had a wet dream about Jason. Plus why would Jason even come back here and why would he want to sleep with me. It must have been a dream. It didn't though explain why I woke up naked, with my clothes on the floor, in the living room.

I shrugged the thoughts off and walked to my bedroom at the front of the house. I looked out the window and my parents cars still were not back. More than likely they had gone on vacation without telling me again, they did it twice before. I felt dirty so I walked over to the bathroom and took a nice long, hot shower. I then led on my bed and passed out, on top of the covers and in just my robe.

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