chapter 20 (her makeup in pic)

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Saturday morning I slept in a bit, thought I should get some beauty sleep. I didn't realise however that I had slept most of the day away it was 2pm already SHIT. I jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom for a shower i had to wash my hair as well as shave everything. Its not that I was necassarily trying to impress anyone, like Jason, I just didn't want to show up looking like trash. After a nice long, hot shower that eased an ache or two I was completely clean. I had scrubbed withing an inch of my life. I checks the clock as I got out and I had been in there an hour, OMG.

"Okay calm down Issy you have plenty of time left to get ready, and eat and decide on hair and makeup and pluck your eyebrows and and and ..." I said to myself looking in the mirror getting more and more panicked about how much I had to do this afternoon.

I took a deep breath and relaxed. "First brush teeth then pluck eyebrows" I set about it doing that making sure my teeth where sparkling clean, if I was in a cheesy movie I would get one of those stars and a ting ha. Next eye brows I plucked each eye brow very carefully one hair at a time. By the end I had two lovely looking brows but my eyes where streaming with tears from the pain. Next thing to do dry hair. I worked my way down the list of things until I'm was dressed in some sweats my hair was soft and shiny as was my skin I had also painted my nails purple to match my outfit. Now it wasm 5:30pm and I needed to get some food in me as I haven't eaten all day.

As per usual my parents had gone out I found a note from mum saying she was at a conference from Monday just gone for two weeks. That explained why I hadn't seen her in a few days. I shrugged it off and went from food, I was so hungry but what to have. Hhmm I know Marmite sandwich and a chocolate milk. I made my stuff but I sat down and the sandwich just wasn't right, I had an idea for crisps so I grabbed a pack of ready salted and crushed them in to the bread. Mmm that's better.

After food i had to brush my teath again then get to my hair and makeup. Hair was first I wasn't sure what to do so I started doing some soft curls with my straiteners and just kept going it turned out okay actually. Now for makeup I want to do something different a bit elaborate. I have got a load of facepaints plus my own makeup so I just started messing around. I made my face all pale then started applying black and purple eye shadow creating a big smokey eye effect. Then finished with mascara and eye liner. I put a deep plum lipstick on but it didn't look Halloween enough. I did a quick search on the net for makeup designs for witches. I found loads and they where so ellaberate I gave up and just decided to go freestyle and started drawing some lighting like lines coming from my lips and eyes I added a few extra flicks with the liquid eye liner and looked at myself and was very impressed. It actually looked really cool and creepy specially with my eyes they just popped.

I got the dress out of its special bag and slipped it on. The sales assistant had shown me how to do it up on my own. The corset really could do with two people to get up tight enough, the shop assistant showed me a technique of using the door nob. You had to tie a knot in the end loop it over then walk away till its pulling tight, next you have to pull each cross over and pull away from the door at the same time then tight a knot at the bottom and unhook from the door nob and untie. Just the boots left to put on I bent down to pick them up but I didn't reach the corset was restricting me. I laughed at myself for not realising before hand. I somehow managed to kneel down and reach them and throw them on the bed. Getting them on was another problem, what had I got myself into with the outfit. It was a struggle but I managed to do it, I got them on and stood up.

"Whoah" I shouted.

I got a bit of a headrush I didn't realise just how high they where. They felt a little heavy but I could manage it. I walked around my room for a little bit getting used to them. Making sure I could actually walk and not fall like an idiot. I looked at myself in the mirror and was shocked with what I saw. I looked.... Good.

It was now 8pm the last couple of hours had just dissapeared fast. I decided to walk it to Jason's as he didn't live far and I didn't have my car, i saw no point in a taxi. It was dark out and there where a few groups of people out with their kids trick or treating. I saw devils and witches, a bear and I think it was a zombie, whatever it was it was covered in blood. I didn't walk very fast because of the heals so it took me about half an hour to walk there.

As I rounded the corner to his street I could hear the music playing and see the lights. I hadn't been to his house in such a long time I forgot how big it was. You could tell there were lots of people in there. I walked up to the front and there was a few valet guys stood around waiting for people to arrive. As I walked into the front door a women sat at a booth asked if I had anything I would like to check in, I had put a little shrug on but it looked really good with the outfit so I didn't want to ruin it by taking it off.

"No thanks" I smiled at her and walked into the main room.

Wow Jason had transformed it furniture had been moved So that there was a large area for dancing the DJ booth had been set up on the first floor landing that looked over the living room. Disco lights had been placed in the corners of the room lighting up every space. In the dinning room there was a couple of sofas set against the walls and a bar in the far corner. There where many people all in fancy dress it was really difficult to tell who some of them where. Others were a bit easier to tell who they were, like Sophie who had come as, well, as a tramp. No i think she had come as some sort of cheerleaders / schoolgirl but the undead version. She had her breasts hanging out and the shortest skirt on I had seen and some blood on her four head that dripped down to her cleavage. Glad I didn't go in that direction for my costume. I don't think people recognised me because I had no filthy looks at all. I walked through the house and found the second living room that had been filled with sofas been bags and lots of soft things, I even saw someone bouncing on a gym ball. In the kitchen there was a plethora of food being served by a few people in white shirts and ties. There was hot dogs, burgers, chips and ribs then the deserts so many cupcakes. Out side the music was being pumped out by big speakers and many people sat laughing on the porch i could see the pool house was in darkeness, probably off limits tonight. There where a few lawn chairs with people sat on drinking away.

I had no idea what Jason was dressed as so I just walked back inside I bumped into someone. It was a tall guy dressed as a pirate, he had a beard and long hair with a few dreads. I went to walk past him muttering sorry when he grabbed my arm.

"Issy??" He said.

I turned and looked at him puzzled I didn't know who he was and I thought my costume was a pretty good disguise.

"Its me Jason" he said.

"Oh my god I didn't recognise you, sorry" I laughed.

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