Chapter 4

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Life at home was bad my mother wouldn't speak to me, she would bring me food help me to wash and go to the toilet, she helped me to change my bandages and took me to my checkups but the whole time I got maybe one or two words out of her. My father tried a bit more one time he tried to talk to me about the accident but he started crying and just walked out since then he had only made polite conversation with me.

The funeral happened 4 weeks after the accident, there where delays due to me being in the hospital and there had to be an enquiry into the accident which meant a postmortem had to be done. There was lots of people at the funeral all dressed in black and crying. I was there me in a wheelchair in a black dress and my bright pink casts. I think Alison would probably have laughed at the site of me. All through the service I had stares from people, I heard whispers and pointed comments. I didn't cry, I had no more tears left too cry. The wake was hosted at our house I tried to hide from people but I couldn't get to my room by myself so I had to stay downstairs with them.

I found a place to hide outside in the cool winter air sat in my chair by the pool. I looked down at the water that had gone slightly green now as the sky's darkened and the weather grew colder, leaves has started to collect on the surface. You could tell it had been neglected the past few weeks. I moved my chair closer to the water looking right to the bottom. I thought there and then about just rolling in and not coming back out. I thought about leaving all the whispers and pointing behind and joining my sister.

Before I could move the wheels a hand landed on my shoulder I looked up into the face of Jason. I hadn't seen him since the car. He looked surprisingly well his left arm was in a small cast and his leg was I a hip to toes cast but he was walking with crouches and seamed to be doing much better than me.

"Hi issy" he said

I couldn't speak I had so much to tell him, to day sorry but I couldn't get my words out.

"I'm leaving here, I'm moving in with my dad in Ireland. I just can't be here right now. I stayed just for the funeral, I leave tomorrow." He spoke into the silence. "I'm sorry issy, I will see u around" he patted my shoulder and hobbled away.

I didn't see him again for a long time. My wound healed but the ugly scars remained. My skull fractured healed but the headaches remained. My ankle and arm healed but I could walk properly still it took me many months of physio therapy to get walking again. I even started running I put allot into running again. I wanted to run away so that's what I focused on. My parents avoided me at best, me and my mothers relationship had gotten worse, we now had raging arguments the latest was about me being able to drive again. She refused to let me have a car but as I was now 18 she couldn't stop me but in true form she told me if I got a car she could just kick me out as I was 18 now. It put a stop to the conversation then.

My friends abandoned me blaming me for everything and who could blame them it was my fault. I got behind the wheel of the car drunk, I fell asleep at the wheel and I killed my sister. I also forces Jason to move to another country, I tore apart my family.

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