chapter 19 picture is the sort of dress shes has just with a corseted top

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After school Jason had swim practice again so instead of waiting around in the library I walked down the road into town. I had no idea what I was going to wear, should I be a clown, a vampire, a witch does it have to be really scary or should I go more like the other girls slutty vampire or a zombie cheerleader with my bra and knickers on show. I don't think that's really me, there is a fancy dress shop in the shopping centre so I just decide to go there. As expected its busy it is Halloween tomorrow. The party never gets announced till only a few days before, its apparently to keep out the undesirables and also so the teachers have less chance to find out and do sum in about it, not that they ever have.

Once one of the teachers actually stopped by a party I was at, this was pretty crash, and they just wanted to check we were being responsible and see if anyone needed some help getting home or just somewhere to sober up before going home to their parents. He was a pretty cool teacher to be fair, a shame he got fired for "getting to close to the students", he's the one teacher everyone liked.

Hhmm anyway I'm distracting myself time to find am outfit. As predicted they where either gruesome or slutty, is there no in between. I tried on a vampire costume with long black wig but the dress didn't fit right, I put on an axe murderer costume complete with blood axe but I looked frumpy. Then I found a beautiful which costume, it wasn't like one of those cheap ones you can get from the supermarket. This was thick expensive material, it was long at the back and short in the front with a corseted top and a beautiful velvet hat with black netting down the front. It was mostly black but had streaks of purple. It was more expensive than most but I haven't treated myself or done anything for myself in so long. I even found a really good looking broom stick to go with it.

All I would have to do is my makeup and hair. Walking out of the shopping centre I passed a shoe shop and saw some really cool looking boots black and purple with shinny silver bits perfect to match the dress. I went in and thankfully they had one pair in my size, so I tried them on and paid.

I got back to school just in time as Jason walked out the front doors.

"Hey what you got there Is?" He asked me.

"Halloween outfit" the shop had placed the dress in a black sealed protective bag to keep it clean. I hadn't realised it was a vintage dress, hence the price tag.

"Let me see then, what you going as?"

"I'm not telling you will just have to wait and see won't you" I smiled at him and got in the car.

"Fine fine, keep it a secret I won't tell you who I'm going as then"

"You already told me superman, haha" I laughed at him mimicking the action figure.

"Okay let's just get back I'm knackered a d I have so much to do before tomorrow. Are you going to come and help me?" He asked me.

"Umm no I can't I got to get homework done then get myself ready. It takes all day for a girl to get dressed"

"Yeah I remember your sister........" He stopped and just concentrated on the road ahead.

" its okay remember we can talk about her"

He didn't say another word the whole ride home I didnt know what to say so I kept quiet too. I waved goodbye as he dropped me off, then he wizzed off down the road.

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