chapter 28

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I tried a couple of times that week to speak to Jason but he was always with someone or busy. The one time I got him on his own I had waited till after swim practice the Thursday night. He didn't want to talk and quickly walked to his car so I talked instead.

"I'm keeping it. I just wanted you to know. I know you probably hate me but it's the right thing for me. I don't expect anything from you. I won't tell anyone it's yours if you don't want me too. I just want you to talk to me. We where good friends, best friends weren't we. It was good when you came back, life got getter for me" he paused at his car door waiting for me to go on, "I've missed you the last 2 weeks nearly".

"No" was all he said and he opened the car door to get in.

"Wait I need to tell you I am seeing the midwife tomorrow after school. I know you won't want to be there but I wanted to tell you".

"Okay so you told me" he got in and closed the door then drove off. That left me to walk home on my own in the dark.

Friday seamed to drag I couldn't wait to see the midwife and speak to her about everything. Wasn't looking forward to the needles they wanted to poke me with though. A couple of times I caught Jason glancing at me but he would quickly turn away and pretend I wasn't there. He was hanging with the popular kids now, he had always been one but didn't do the whole school cliché thing. He seamed to be relying on it now to keep me away.

Finally the last bell rang and I headed out. On the way out I heard Cassey talking to Sophie. "I'm sorry, I can't go shopping tonight I got to go straight home my mum needs me to help her out." She said, Sophie pouted, "tomorrow I promise, get ready for the big party".

"Okay then, see ya later Cass".

I let them walk on a head of me then left the school too. The doctors surgery wasn't too far from the school so I decided to walk there. I got in and went to the reception desk to book in and was told I had the times wrong. My appointment wasn't for another hour. So I walked back out to a near by cafe for a drink while I waited.

The clouds got darker as I sat there looking out the window across to the doctors surgery. I saw people going in and out lots of pregnant women with small bumps, perfect round football bumps and then there where a few massive bumps that looked very uncomfortable. I wondered what mine would look like. As a stared out I saw a familiar person go in the surgery doors it looked like Cassey but it was the maternity clinic running today the doctors weren't actually there, so she couldn't be going for an appointment, unless she's pregnant. But no she can't be she's probably just going to register as a new patient, that's what it is.

An hour had passed so I walked back across the road and into the surgery. The receptionist assured me I was next and that the midwife was just seeing someone. I sat down to wait and looked around and there was Cassey sat reading something on her phone. She hadn't seen me yet so I grabbed a magazine off a nearby table and hid my face.

The midwifes door opened and out walked a women who had one of those huge bumps. She really looked like she was going to burst before long. She walked very slowly and looked in a lot of pain. She went up to Cassey and said come on dear let's go I want to lie down before these two arrive".

Twins that explains it then, why so big. And it must be Casseys mum. The midwife came up to me and asked out loud have you got your urine sample Issy. I had let the magazine drop and as soon as she heard my name Cassey turned around and looked right at me.

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