Chapter 7

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We got to my house and neither my mothers or my fathers car was in the driveway.

"See I told you they wouldn't be here" I said

"Are you sure, I really wanted to see them." he asked

I walked up to the door unlocked it and walked in. There was no one here now, all the guests had already left and by the looks of it my mum had cleaned up aswell. I looked for a note knowing full well there wouldn't be one explaining their whereabouts.

"Mum, dad you here?" I shouted into the silence. "See know one, you can come in and wait if you want though."

"Okay, thanks"

He walked in very slowly looking around. the house hadn't changed since he came here last but he looked over every detail. I walked him into the living room and sat down.

"It's only 10:30pm they probably won't be back till earliest midnight, they never are".

"Umm okay should we watch a film then while we wait?"

"Yeah okay. what should we watch?"

"A horror" he said

"Okay but don't laugh at me when I scream"

"Ha okay, I promise" he laughed at me.

I didn't realise how I had missed that laugh. When he was with my sister he was here all the time laughing about watching films with Alison and sometimes I would join them. He had a nice deep laugh that just felt really warming.

We sat down on the sofa to watch the exorcism of Emily Rose. I hadn't watched it before as it was one of Alison's. I picked up a cushion ready to hide behind. I am such a wuss. Jason got up and turned the lights off then came back to sit next to me on the sofa. It wasn't a big sofa so as I curled my feet up under me we were touching a bit.

The first scary thing that came on and I was jumping and hiding behind the cushion. Jason just laughed at me so I hit him with the cushion.

"Don't laugh at me that was scary"

He just carried on laughing so I hit him again and this time he grabbed the cushion and tried to pull it away from me. I kept hold so when he pulled I came with it. I ended up near enough in his lap. He started to tickle me with his other hand. Grabbing my sides right where I was most ticklish.

"Aww is little issy scared of a make believe film?" he teased me.

"Yes now stop, stop tickling me, please" I pleaded with him but he didn't stop. I tried to fight back but he was a lot stronger than me.

By this time I was sitting on his lap, I started to tickle him back but it just wasn't working. He wasn't ticklish.

"You won't be able to find my ticklish spot." he said.

"Oh yes I will"

I tried under his arms, his sides his chin but nothing. Then I tried the back of his neck where his hair ends and I got a reaction.

"Ha I knew I could find it" I smiled.

"That's it your dead" he said

He pushed me off him onto the other side of the sofa and tickled my sides and stomach. I laughed out loud and pleaded for him to stop but he wouldn't. I managed to get my hand to his ticklish spot and get some revenge. He collapsed on top of me.

"No fair" he said

Our faces where now so close. His breath was hot on my skin. He pulled back with our faces still just a few inches from each other. He looked at me straight in the eyes then lowered them to look at my lips. I sucked in a breath to say something but my words where stopped in my throat as he pressed his lips to mine.

I killed my sisterUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum