Chapter 13

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Once at the hospital I was put In a side room and hooked up to a drip of fluids and given warm blankets. They checked all my vitals and seamed happy enough I wasn't going to die on them. They told me to get some sleep so I closed my eyes and drifted.

When I woke up there was light coming through the windows and lots of movement and noise outside my room. I sat up and got tangled in some wires. I soon realised they were attached to me though, as I tried to pull them away. A nurse came in and helped me untangle myself and asked how I was feeling.

"I'm fine, can I go home soon please?" I asked

"As soon as your parents arrive."

"You called them?"

"Of course we did. they didn't sound too happy though" she said, then walked out the room.

I sat there for an hour before I realised I didn't have my phone. I did a quick search of the room and found a plastic bag with my stuff in. I pulled out my phone to look for messages then remembered it was dead. Another thought came to me then how did they know where I was? I didn't tell anyone. But I did the person who prank called me I told them and asked for help maybe they got help for me. But that just seams weird.

A little while later my father showed up signed some papers and we left. He didn't say anything to me until we got home.

Before getting out of the car he said "are you trying to kill yourself? your just lucky he knew where you were and got help to you" he got out and slammed the door.

I followed him up to the front door "your mother doesn't know about this and she's doesn't need to, do you understand?"

"Yes" I replied

"Good" he turned and walked into the house and didn't say another word to me.

That was probably the most he had spoken to me in the last year, his voice sounded different, it sounded older and weaker than I remembered.

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