Chapter 6

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I was in shock as I think where everyone else at the party. There was silence for a bit then Jason led me outside the front. I didn't know what to say I hadn't seen him since the funeral 11 months ago. He hadn't changed too much, he had got a bit more muscle but not too much. His hair had gotten longer and his fringe was in his eyes the way I liked it. He stopped us and turned to face me.

"Are you okay?" he asked

"Uhh yeah I think so" I did a mental check on my body my cheek stung a bit and my bum hurt from hitting the floor but apart from that I was fine. "Yeah I'm okay my cheek stings that's all"

He touched my red cheek with his soft hand assessing the damage then smiled down at me. " Yeah I think you will be alright."

"Sooo what brings you back here Jason" I asked

"It's my mother she's sick, I've come back to help her."

"Oh god Jason I'm so sorry, what wrong with her?"

He looked down at his shoes and replied "she's got cancer, stage 4, it's terminal."

I gasped covering my mouth with my hand. I touched out to him with my other "oh my god in so sorry Jason, is there nothing they can do?"

"No they say se has a few months left 4 at max. that's why I've come back to help care for her and I say goodbye. I will be coming back to school for the last term aswell."

I don't know what to say or do so I have him a hug and he held on to me tight burying his head into my shoulder. I didn't see any tears or hear him cry but I felt the unmistakable shake in his body. I held him a bit tighter. After a few minuets he pulled back and said thanks.

"What for?" I asked

"I don't know for not saying anything for just being here"

"Well I should be thanking you for saving me from Sophie back there. She's drunk too much and got a bit crazy. Though I don't blame her what she said was true, it was my fault"

"Don't say that issy, I was there remember it was an accident we were all drunk, I grabbed that wheel and steered us into the lorry it was as much me as you"

"I just ..." I started to protests.

"No issy I won't hear it. Now come on I will take you home. I would like to say hello to your mum and dad"

"You won't see them, they won't be home, they never are" I replied

"What do you mean?" he asked

As we walked back the few streets to my house I told what it's been like the last year how hard it's been for everyone, how I've been ignored by my family and friends. I even told him how I felt along and had thought about joining Alison.

He stopped me right there "don't you dare do something so stupid. Do you really think Alison would want you to kill your self over her. no she wouldn't, she would want you to get on with your life. Come here"

He put his arms around me and have me a hug "I'm here now so if you need to talk come to me, promise me please. I could go through loosing you after your sister"

" I promise and if you need to talk to someone about, you know your mum, promise you will talk to me?"

"Okay" he said and he have me a quick kiss on the forehead.

I looked at him shocked first the hugs then the kiss. He used to give me a brief hug when he was with my sister but it was a one sided brother sister kind of hug. This hug was more, well just more and he had never kissed me before anywhere.

We walked the rest of the way back to my house in silence.

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