chapter 16

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The next morning I get up early and get washed and dressed, as it's sixth form I don't have to wear a uniform but I still have to look smart. The sun is out this morning so it's a nice walk to school. First day of school and it's buzzing with new people scared and old people excited to see friends again. I got there just as the bell rings.

I rush in to my first class pushing past people avoiding their looks, just like last year. There isn't as many people looking at me now though. A lot of people have moved on with their lives, they have accepted what happened, given me plenty of shit then gotten broiled up in their own lives again. Only a select few still actively hated on me but even they didn't seam too fussed by my presence. There was a quiet buzz going around the class room this morning people where whispering even though our teacher had not yet arrived. I sat at the back of the room and was too far away to really hear what was being said. Just then the door opened and in walked Jason. It wasn't hard to determine what the whispers where about as they instantly stopped as he came through the door.

Silence rained over the classroom as he walked to an empty chair, there where plenty of chair towards the front of the class but he walked past people not looking at the girls giving him sad yet flirtatous looks. All the way to my table and the empty seat beside me. He looked down at me and just said "hey" and then sat down.

The teacher walked in and told us all to face front and no more talking, she was one of the meaner teachers in the school and you tended to do as she said in class or else. She could have been telling us all that there had been a terrorist attack right down the street but I wudnt have heard it. My heart was pounding so hard I'm sure Jason could hear it, I didn't say a word to him just sat there with the heat of his body next to me and the occasional brush of his elbow as he moved.

I was so fixed on my fantasies I didn't even hear the bell. Jason grabbed my shoulder and shock me a little "hey Issy you with me or not?"

"Huh yeah sorry did the bell go?"

" yeah like 2 minuets ago, haha, wake up sleepy head. Come on what have you got next ?"he asked me.

"Oh ive got a free period. You?"

"Snap how about we go get a drink in the canteen"

"Okay" I say.

As we had already agreed to be friends and already had that chat last night it wasn't so bad, that tention I felt earlier in class was gone now it was just us two and a few dinner ladies. At lunch we walked in to the sixth form common room together, I had been coming here for a year already but Jason had never been in here as it was sixth formers and teachers only. I showed him where the toilets and computers where then found us a comfy sofa to sit on. As lunch went on more people filled in, at first we went unnoticed sat in the corner by our selves. We had a few glances our way to start then phones came out and more people came in then she walked in.

Only a short one sorry

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