Dear Nobody (Journal Entry 6)

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*NOTE: Click the Youtube link above to check out the Audiobook version of this chapter voiced by kaelking12  (Kristen Maglonzo)! Featuring music by Tegan and Sara, The Kooks, and Lit.


Outgoing call to Dan Perry (mobile) :

DP: Hello?

EK/AS: Um, hi. Is this--

DP: Hold on a second, Elias, you're breaking up. Give me a second, I'll step outside, I wanna hear all about the big move!

Dear Nobody,

This shouldn't even count as a journal entry because a) I'm in the middle of a phone call and b) I don't have any way of writing this down. Basically I'm just talking to you/myself because if I don't talk to somebody right now I may go crazy.

Because this situation is crazy mainly due to the fact that Elias's new girlfriend...kind of sort of 

sounds like a man.

And I know that's mean.

And wrong.

And judgmental.

But I'm like two days away from that time of the month, so I kind of have an excuse.

Or maybe I don't.

Anyway, crotchtiness aside, I guess I'm just shocked that Elias decided to go for the dude sounds like a lady-type.

I mean, he used to like my short hair so maybe he's into the tomboy thing.

I don't know.

Different strokes for different folks I guess.

DP: You still there, E?

E? They're at the nickname stage? Well, isn't that nice. I think "asshole" was the closest I ever got to terms of endearment with Elias. Whatever. At least my pet name was more accurate.

DP: Hello? I can try to walk further away from my office if the connection's not going through. I've got thirty minutes to kill before my next patient shows up, so tell me all about UCLA!


...a doctor? He's dating a freaking doctor? How did the hell that happen? Actually, never mind.

Given the amount of girls who fawn over him in hospital buildings I--

--You know what?

I don't even care how he met her. Because it doesn't matter.

As long as they're happy together. Good for him.

He deserves--

He deserves--

--a happy girlfriend, and a happy marriage, and a big, fat, fan-freaking-tastic, happily ever...

DP: Everything okay? You're not usually this quiet.

Hold the phone.

Moral dilemma, Nobody.

Do I a) reveal my identity to his girlfriend like the crazy homewrecker chicks do on Jerry Springer? Or b) drop my voice a couple octaves and pretend I'm Elias?

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