Chapter 41

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Outgoing Call to Mom at 5:22 PM:

MK: Hola, Corazon! Que tal?

EK: Hey, Mama. I'm walking back to the dorm. Are you busy right now? I need to ask you about something.

MK: I'm cooking, but I always have time for you. What's up?

EK: Remember that plan we talked about a couple weeks ago?

MK: Of course I do! Did you ask her yet, mijo? You're running out of time.

EK: I know! I know! I'm going to ask her right now but I wanna make it nice, you know? I haven't taken Alex on a date in almost two weeks and she's been spending more and more time with Indigo lately, so I have a lot of lost time to make up for.

MK: Two weeks!? Is she an antique or your girlfriend? You better bring that girl some roses before your love life starts sprouting cobwebs, mijo! When's the last time you two spent quality time together?

EK: I don't want to talk about it.

MK: Elias?!

EK: I've been busy okay?! You don't know how bad things have been down here. I spend so much time on the phone trying to figure out how to protect her that I barely have time to enjoy being with her. I'm about as sick of this publicity bullshit as she is!

MK: Language, Eli!

EK: I'm sorry. I'm just freaking out and I'm supposed to pull off the question of the century tonight and I feel like I'm gonna blow it.

MK: Question?! What question? The question?

EK: No, Mama, the other question.

MK: Oh, don't surprise me like that! I saw my future nietos for a second and I got excited.

EK: Mama, believe you me, when it's time to ask her that question, you will be the first to know.

MK: I better be.

EK: You will. Anyway, I really need your help for tonight or else tomorrow I'm gonna be super depressed.

MK: Don't say that, honey. No matter what things will be fine. You're a romantic so I know whatever you do, she'll love.

EK: Are we talking about the same girl here? Jersey's not like that. Half the lovey dovey things I try to do for her blow up in my face.

MK: That's because your timing is horrible.

EK: Mama!

MK: Es veridad (It's true). If you were my boyfriend--

EK: Please don't say that. It's weird.

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