Chapter 1- Beauty Speaks

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 I walk away from the ship, glancing back to make sure everyone's still following. My eyes rest on the three males trekking along in the back; Moo, the white and black splotched wolf with wings; Sam, the dark blue fox; and finally Storm, the wolf sized black cat (like me) with white wings.
 I turn my attention back in front of me, slowing to a stop. "I wonder how big this forest is..." I think out loud.
 "I'll check it out!" Midnight calls, spreading her wings.
 "Okay," I nod.
 I watch as Midnight jumps up, her powerful wings shaking the trees with the wind she creates.
 Meg stares with awe. "Wow, I will never get tired of seeing that," she marvels.
 I whack her over the head with my wing. "You are so weird," rolling my eyes, I take off after Midnight.
 "Hey, Spirit," Midnight greets.
 "Well, how's it looking?" I glance around, seeing the trees end just about an Earth-mile to the left.
 "Trees everyway, left side trees end in about a mile though," Midnight recites exactly what I was thinking.
 "That's what I got too," I confirm, slowly lowering myself back through the trees.
 "Well?" Red prompts.
 "We go left. We don't know when the sun sets on this planet, so I call we stop to spend the night there," I add with a glance at Midnight for confirmation.
 Midnight just nods, wings spread boldly. What's she so proud about?
I grunt, feeling Storm's eyes boring into my pelt as I turn to the left. I soon let Midnight lead while I drop back to join Storm.
 "Hey," he says warmly.
 "Greetings, how are you doing?" I ask him.
 "I'm slightly hungry, but otherwise I'm fine," he answers with a flick of his tail.
 Hm... I'm hungry too.... "Aren't we all?" I grumble, then call out, "Midnight!"
 She stops and turns to me quizzically, wings folding in at her sides.
 "We are hungry, how about we pause to eat?" I offer.
 Grunts of agreement passed around the group. Midnight looks over the group then sits down. "Very well," she mumbles, "let's see what we can find, stick with someone and meet back here."
 Sam and Red went towards Meg while Moo turned to Midnight.
 "Let's go," I purr, shoving Storm with my nose and running off.
 I dodge around the trees, loving the wind in my fur, when suddenly Storm tackled me from behind, causing us both to roll in a tumble of purring limbs.
 "You know you can't outrun me, Spirit," he purrs, eyes bright.
 He lays down next to me. "Yeah, but you can't hunt better than me," I paw him in the nose playfully.
 Storm jumps up, "Is that a challenge?"
 "It is," I stand, facing him and shaking my fur, wings moving out of the way.
 "Then, I accept your challenge," his voice rumbles when he speaks.
 As he's speaking, I'm finding out what's around me. There's a winged creature above me... That'll work.
"Fine. Ready? Set? Go!" I fly up, catching the winged creature and cutting off it's call of alarm before landing right back where I started.
 Storm stares at me for a few seconds before growling, "Hey! No fair!" and leaping at me.
 I quickly dodge his attack, taking flight and following our scent back to the meeting area.
 When I reach the area I notice two things, one: Storm ended up catching a brown fluffy thing on his way and two: we were the last to arrive.
 "What took you guys so long? We've already finished," Midnight snarls.
 "Sorry, we got caught up," I meow as I land, whacking Storm with my tail as he lands.
 I feel a sharp pain in my tail. Looking back, I see Storm biting my tail. "Ow! Why on Smoth would you do that!" I screech, pulling my tail away.
 Storm falls over, laughing his tail off.
 Meg smirks, but plainly says, "Hurry and eat, we have to get moving."


A//N Hey! How am I doing? I hope it's okay. Cya.

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