Chapter 18- New Body

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(Art above from Google, thanks Google :D) (this character is completely black with three heads and twelve tails so the pic above explains most of it) (also has red pupils and black outer everything of the eye)
*Unknown POV*

Ever since the battle between the Skyjolts and the Dracoweres, my kind was destroyed in their thirst for power. I was last to survive. Being as young as I was, I was thrown into an excape pod and next thing I knew, I'm here. Planet Earth, all alone.
Now there I was, watching the dracoweres attack the Skyjolt camp. They didn't know I was there, for my camouflage colored me as the trees behind.
I watched as a flashback hit me, the day the dracoweres and Skyjolts fought on our land for power. We Nightwatchers were obliterated and I, Moonshadow, was the only one to survive. All my rage hit me at once, and I ended up hitting the male dracowere pup with deadly force of my claws. I quickly retreated as he ran towards his father, bleeding out.
The blue foxes soon paused the fight but then retreated to the den. They have no say, dracoweres and Skyjolts are longtime enemies.
The dracowere family soon gave in and flew away. I watched the female Skyjolt go lay down while the male took charge.
I stayed for a while and learned about them, but as soon as I saw one of the panthers fall over and blood pooled around his neck, I knew it was time to go.
I left then and headed towards a mountain. The direction the dracoweres went.
I watched from a distance to the red bear scolding the dracoweres before dodging a blast of purple fire from the black female dracowere.
They're powerful, they both are. And I'm not sure if I want to join them or not.

A//N: welcome one and all! It seems a new friend has joined us. And friend, you know who you are ;). Please welcome Moonshadow! *cheering heard from the background* that's all I have for you guys!  Cya later!

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