Chapter 21

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"I wish to join you," the Nightwatcher said quickly, before I could turn away.
"Oh, sure, I guess? Is that the reason you took Baso? Was to get my attention?" I ask, slowly.
"It was," her dizzying voices say.
Storm shoulders me. I turn towards him with Baso looking right at him.
"I don't think it's a good idea," he hisses in a low voice.
"Why not? I mean, she just told us she was one of the creatures our ancestors destroyed. Let's get on good terms with her," I hiss right back at him.
"How do you know it's true, what she said?" He growls.
Baso pipes in, "Dad, Mom told stories to me about that battle and how they destroyed Nightwatchers. Mom, do you remember what your mom told you about what they look like?"
I stare at Baso slowly, he was super smart for his age.
"T-they were three-headed creatures with any range of tails from 6-18, and had miraculous powers," I said without thinking.
"And Dad, what is this creature behind us?" Baso inquires.
Storm thinks for a moment before patting Baso on the head with his tail. "You're right. She's not lying, why not?" He finally says.
"Alright, mind if I move in now?" The Nightwatcher says.
Great, an eavesdropper. I groan inwardly.
"Yeah," I say, picking up Baso by his scruff, hearing his complaints about how he can walk himself.
"I'm Moonshadow, by the way," the Nightwatcher says over her shoulder before disappearing into thin air.


Storm is starting to warm up to Baso, who is now drinking my milk since my kitting is close.
Storm has never left my side for more than minutes at a time, and I, well, haven't left the den since last week.
He sits next to me, running his tail over my bulging flank while Baso sips away.
"Red, we need Red," I mumble for like the fifth time today.
"Spirit, I already told you, Custer has someone sent out to hopefully get Red over here while Moonshadow lurks around in case things get tense," his coo was becoming exasperated.
"Who's Red?" Baso asks, looking at me with wide green eyes.
"A friend, dear," I say softly.
"Storm!" Custer's voice yowls from outside the den.
"Be right back, Spirit, you too Baso," he stands up and pads out, brushing his tail tip across Baso's head affectionately.
Red bursts in the den entrance not even seconds later.
"Spirit! How are you feeling?" She walks around me, sniffing my flank before she notices Baso.
"Why is that panther drinking your milk?" She questions.
"He's my adopted one," I say without hesitation.
She just nods, continuing to sniff my pelt.
"I'll be right back, I need some things," she says, rushing out of the den.
Heartbeat after heartbeat I could hear before Baso climbs onto my stomach and curls up in a yawning ball.
"Uh, Spirit," a shy female voice says at the door.
"Yes, Dandelion?" I question sleepily.
"Would it be okay if I keep Baso with me until after you've kitted and are comfortable?" She asks.
This pissed me off. No of course she can't, and I was just about to snap that when Baso climbed off me and started walking towards Dandelion.
"Its okay Mom, I feel like I should stay away. I'll be back after my sibling are here," he says following Dandelion who has left my den.
Not long after, pain erupts from my body and I cry out.

A//N: Aww! Storm and Spirit's kittens are arriving! Or are they?

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