Chapter 12- You Can't

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"No, Spirit, it's this way," Storm does the battle move again for at least the hundredth time.
"Exactly. Swipe, kick, paw," I growl.
"No, were you even watching? It's kick, paw, swipe," he hisses, "I know you were going to be a hunter, but you have to learn to be both now."
"Why can't I just be the hunter?" I whine.
"Because there is only two of us and we've just been warned by Midnight to be strong," he sighs.
"Fine. You teach me how to fight and I'll teach you how to hunt and find herbs," I smirk.
He growls his disapproval but just nods, "Fine, if that will get you to learn how to fight."
My ear twitches at the sound of rustling bushes, I turn, hackles raised as a human appears. It's eyes widened as it saw us, brown hair being blown in it's face.
It stumbled for a metal tube on its back, it pointed it at me, as the tube made a click and a bang. Pain rippled through my chest, blood pooling at my paws. Making a cry, I fell on my side, world blurry and spinning. Storm screeches in the background, but my ears can barely pick it up.
As suddenly as it happened, it stopped. Spirit, I've saved you, get up and save your mate. A small voice whispers in my head.
I slowly get up, taking my time and spreading my wings. "You foolish earthling. You can't kill me. Not now, not ever," I growl, approaching it, "but, I can kill you."
I pounce on it as it shoots again, completely missing us both. I grab it's head in my jaws, it's scream running down my throat, crushing it. I wait til it stops moving before letting go, it's blood dripping from my jaws. The blood is everywhere, it's skull in pieces.
"Spirit?" Storm pokes me with his wing.
Licking the blood from my jaws, I turn to him, "Yes?"
"W-what if there's more?" He studders.
"There won't be. Not with me around," I growl, flying off towards the camp.


Wails of sorrow erupted from a house that night. Mourning their father, lost and crushed in the woods. No one knows what happened, but there have been signs put up to stay out.
What they don't know is that something has drastically changed.
The world is coming to an end, ruled by creatures not of their planet, but of another.
No clue what is in the forest, the city is terrified. They don't know that their forest homes a new era, a new world, and the time will come when they will be wiped out.

A//N: Wassup guys! Here's your new chapter. I know it's short. I'm sorry. Uh, yeah encountered a human. Hurray. Cya!

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