Chapter 9- Missing

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(The picture above is sort of what Skyjolts look like, it gives you an idea but we have peircings and have more muscle found on Google- not my art)
Storm and I race out out of camp, landing quickly. "Meg! Sam!" We both call frantically, searching in every direction.
"Storm! Spirit!" I hear Meg, "Sam fell!"
Without looking back at Storm, I fly towards the voice, seeing Meg standing at the edge of a sinkhole.
"Meg! Get back!" Sam barks from the hole.
The ground started crumbling under Meg as he speaks, Storm quickly grabs her and holds her in the air as the ground collapsed beneath her.
"Sam!" I fly down into the hole, grabbing him and flying out as more soil fills in the hole almost half way.
Flying back to the camp, we dropped shocked Meg and Sam onto the Settlement floor. "Are you guys hurt?" Storm immediately speaks.
"N-no," Meg replies and Sam just shakes his head.
Turning around, I drag the half-eaten deer towards them, who just stare blankly at it. I wave my tail to tell them to eat it.
Sam slowly approaches, taking a bite, then eating it normally. Meg follows his lead, soon they were relaxing and eating normally.
After all this, I yawn.
Storm shifts until his muzzle touches my ear, "You can sleep, I'll be there after they go to sleep."
I just nod, taking my time in padding over to the den, curling up in the center.
I'm pretty sure I drift off, cause I stir when Storm curls up next to me, but I'm too tired to acknowledge his presence.
Darkness consumes me once more.
I wake in a dark space. "Where am I?" I call out.
Laughter erupts from beside me as Storm appears in front of me.
"What's the meaning of this?" I cry out.
Storm's eyes go black as the laughter returns, coming from him. His white feathers start turning black in a web-like motion. "Don't be frightened," the voice says again, coming from Storm. The voice is like a mixture of two, a higher unknown voice as well as Storm's.
He approaches me slowly, wings spreading slowly; threatening.
Suddenly, he twitches, returning to normal for less than a second then going completely black again. It happens again and again until it was constant, almost like he's fighting himself. Suddenly he's screeching, like he's in pain, but not just him, both voices. Suddenly, he's normal Storm again, but his eyes look dead. "Storm?" I mumble, only to watch the white on him turn to ash and blow away, revealing him completely black again.
"Weak," the cat spits.
I flatten to the ground, slowly inching backwards, heart pounding.
It snarls, pouncing towards me.
I try to run only to be pinned by the creature. Laughter escapes it, evil laughter, insane laughter.
"You can't run from me, kitty-cat," it snarls, opening it's jaws and grabbing my neck.
I wake with a start, instantly flying to the roof of the den, I look back to see the pure black cat with his paw resting on Storm's side while he sleeps.
It smiles at me, not friendly, no, more of a warning, I stare, petrified. It slowly enters Storm's sleeping form, it's laughter still in my brain, "You can't hide from me, I'm always here..."

Waking again, I notice it's still dark outside. I can't go back to sleep. Not now, probably never again. I get up and leave the den, pace speeding up until I'm running, then I take off and fly away, I just need to think. Yeah, I just need to think.

A//N: wassup guys. SpiritxStorm here. Again, I don't have anything to say but that I hope you're enjoying the story. Yeah, anyways, Cya guys!

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