Chapter 5- Legends (pt. 2)

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"That's not enough proof, Klee, it's bullcrap," Mightnight spits.
"Very well, Midnight. You're pregnant."
Midnight bristles, snarling, while Klee looks calmly at her. "Don't give me that, Midnight, you were going to tell them anyways, I just got to it before you," he smirks, realizing he won.
"You're pregnant?" I stare, shocked. Midnight, pregnant? This can't be...
"Do maybe I am, but you didn't have to open your mouth, Klee!" Midnight's blue eyes glow in rage.
"Why are you here?" Midnight presses, creeping up on Klee like he's a piece of prey.
Klee shrugs, apparently unaffected by the 6 foot dracowere, "I heard you guys talk about the spirit, and no one knows more than me."
Storm growls behind me, "That's not a good reason. I think you should go."
Something in me tingles, as if telling me what Storm says isn't right. "Storm, I think he should stay with us. Let's give him a chance," I counter. Tingling stops. Yeah, he should stay. A voice whispers in my head.
Klee smirks as Moo presses down on Midnight's tail, stopping her. I do doubt him, but I think he can help us.
Red stands by me, "I think he should too." She blinks at me, I nod my thanks.
Sam joins us, "I find him helpful," he smiles at Klee.
"I'm with Sam," Meg rubs on his muzzle.
"Really Megan?" Midnight growls, using her full name, "Wait, Moo! What are you doing?"
Moo has shifted towards us, looking back at Midnight. "You see, Midnight, Klee is an earthling, and he knows things only the amazing Sam knows," he expains, standing next to Klee.
Storm lets out a breath of uneasiness. "I guess this means we're out voted Midnight. Klee stays," he sighs.
"I don't like this. Klee, stay out of my way and you'll survive," Midnight warns.
Klee turns to me. "So, Spirit, where are we off to?"
"What makes you think she's the leader?" Midnight howls, completely enraged.
Klee swings his head towards her, "Oh, I'm sorry, Midnight. Where are we off to?"
"Up that mountain," She growls, obviously irritated.
"Klee," I start, he turns towards me quizzically, "where are we?"
His eyes lit up, "Northern Europe."
Northern Europe... huh? I like the trees, who knows if I'll ever find a big forest again...
"C'mon guys, let's get moving," Midnight urges.
"Actually, Midnight, I'd rather stay here," I refuse.
"Whatever, Spirit. Stay, go, I don't care. Who's coming with me?" Midnight inquires.
"Me!" Moo bounces over.
"Why not?" Red stands by Midnight.
"I think you'll need my assistance," Klee adds, joining them.
"I'm more comfortable under trees. I think I speak for Sam as well if I say I'll stay here with Spirit and Storm," Meg says with a glance at Sam, who nods.
"Okay, it's decided then. Come on guys," Midnight turns away, leaving the others to follow close behind.

A//N: I'm going to try to update the latest every other day. So, please expect more updates. Questions will be answered in the comments. So please, ask away! Cya guys.

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