Chapter 3- Sickness Is Not a Jewel

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 I stir, throat on fire. I squirm, letting out a hoarse cry of misery.
 "No, no, no!" I feel Storm's paws on my flank, slowing my movements until he pulls away with a gasp, "You're burning up!"
 My tongue is stuck to the roof of my mouth.
 "Red!" I half hear him shriek.
 I assume Red appears, for I can hear her muffled, yet calm voice, "Storm, she has a fever. Stop standing there and be helpful, get water-soaked moss. Quickly now, she's probably parched."
 I open my mouth slightly, trying to get my tongue off the roof of my mouth, but surprising myself with a cry of agony. My head is killing me, my throat burns, I can't open my eyes, and my pelt feels like it's melting off of me.
 I feel something cool touch my muzzle and Red's rumble, "Drink."
There was a plop next to my muzzle, and I believe Red pushed it into my nose.
I lap the water from the moss, it's the sweetest thing I've ever tasted.
Red speaks again, but I'm not listening. Storm curls up next to me and I let myself crawl back into the black wave of sleep.

I open my eyes only to find myself back in the brush, curled up next to Sparklingsky.
"This kit has been blessed with a bright future, but only if she leaves our planet and goes to another," an orange tom proclaims.
Sparklingsky gasps, "No! That can't be!" Her tail wraps around me protectively.
"You can't choose her destiny, Sparklingsky, only support it. Do not fear, she won't be alone," the orange tom now points to a young black and white kit, only a few moons older than I.
"Storm..." Sparklingsky breathes out.
"There will be others as well, but only time will show you that. Spirits go with this kit," the orange tom's tail tip brushes across my head before he leaves.
"I'll keep you safe... my little Spirit," Sparklingsky licks my ears as the vision fades.

I wake with a start, it's dark outside. Storm is sleeping soundly, pressed against me. My head aches slightly, but I will live.
I decide to walk around, so I slowly stand up and start creeping away, only to hear Storm's sleepy voice, "Spirit? Red said for you to stay and rest."
He beckons me towards him with his tail, lifting his wing. I come back slowly and curl up against him while his wing lays slowly on me.
I don't know how long I lay there before I sleep, but I do manage to.

"No! Spirit, please don't go!" Storm begs.
"I must! You stay here and keep Morningstar safe!" I gester to my younger sister.
"But what about us? Our life we were going to have? The kits we hoped for?" He's growing more desperate by the minute, I can hear it in his voice.
"It was never meant to be, Storm," I choke on my words.
He was going to say something else when the orange tom, Dawnscolor, waves him over and Sparklingsky slips into his spot.
"You're sure you want to do this, Spirit?" She asks in a vein attempt to make me stay.
"I'm sure, Mother," I reply.
But then I see what I didn't notice before: Dawnscolor waving Storm, Moo, and Sam into a hatch in the back of the ship.
I look around some more, now in third person of my past self. I see Red, Midnight and Meg in a group, talking, also not noticing what Dawnscolor was doing.
"Destiny can't be changed, only prophesied," a stormy-gray cat appears beside me.
"You can see me?" I mumble.
"Yes, I am showing you your unfolding destiny," his blue eyes peirce through mine.
"Who are you?" I feel like I should know this cat, but I don't.
"You'll see," he smirks, beckoning for me to follow.

A//N: Sorry for the delay. I hope this is okay. I'm getting into the story and I'm just writing it LMAO.
Anyways, I'll cya guys later. Comment what you think!

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