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"Ally! Throw your back into it!" I growl at her.
"Dallin, are you really letting your sister beat you?" I command.
Dallin and Ally are practicing, and I notice Dallin has temper problems, so I like to push him.
He swipes at her head in frustration, and she doesn't have time to move. His claws connect with her skull, sending her flying sideways into the brush.
"Ally, are you okay?" I called, not sure whether to be proud or pissed at Dallin.
No response.
"Ally!" I call again, rushing forward to see if she's okay.
Ally groans and twists, revealing a bloody face.
"I'm going to kill you for this!" She screeches, tackling her brother who appeared behind me.
Baso and April were training with Storm, so I was way more focused on my little ones here.
"Kits!" I hiss, but not in time and Ally slashes her claws across Dallin's cheek, blood escaping.
Dallin cries out and I pick up Ally by the scruff, and grab Dallin with my paw, flying up.
Dallin groans and Ally whimpers.
I glide over the trees, the noises they make soothe my adrenaline rush.
Soon, the entrance hole is in sight and I glide through it, wings completely unfolding to slow my fall.
I land softly on the springy mesh, setting the kits down and inspecting their wounds. They have stopped bleeding and are healing well, so I wasn't worried about them.
"You guys really should watch your tempers around each other," I scold while they both look down in shame.
"Ally, I am extremely disappointed in you, where did you get this reckless behaviour."
"What the hell is going on?" Storm's voice startles me.
I turn to see his blue eyes staring worriedly.
"Your kits have gotten a weird vibe for blood now," I say softly.
He stiffens and his breath stops. Terror falls over his gaze.
"Storm? Are you okay?" I ask, poking his wing.
"I-I have to go..." He mumbles and takes off, leaving me calling after him.


*Storm's POV*

No, no, no, no, no... This can't be happening! My eyes tear up. I've passed on my shadow, not meaning to.
"What have you done!" I screech. Letting my wings stop and I fall to the ground. I hit it with a thump, not like I broke something, but it was hard.
I fumble over onto my muzzle, totally flipping over. DAMN IT!
"Storm. Listen to me! Snap out of it!" Midnight was suddenly in front of me slapping me with my wing.
I flinch, "Wait, why are you here?"
"Well, since Spirit and you have kits and Moo and I have pups, I decided maybe we could become friends again and settle down, we were acting like pups," she looks at me kindly.
"What's with the sudden change of heart?" I growl, fluffing up because I don't trust her.
"Storm, I'm just thinking about our heir. I don't want them to be born and the next second they are covered in blood," she speaks with truth filled words, but I still don't like it.
"Truce?" She sticks her paw out in a gesture.
I look at Moo, who apparently was standing behind her the whole time with their pups.
They nod kindly. All of them.
I touch my paw to hers, "Truce."
Oh no, what have I done?


*Moonshadow's POV*

I watch Storm touch paws with Midnight.
"Wait til Spirit hears about this..." I whisper, turning and walking back towards camp.
I stumble upon Baso and April. They were play fighting over a squirrel.
"Uh, guys?" I say as they turn to look at me.
"Oh, hey Moonshadow. What's up?" Baso greets.
"Why aren't you guys at settlement?" I ask.
"Dad told us that whoever won battling gets the squirrel, and then he left," April responds.
"He left you? Alone, at this age?" I say, shocked.
"Well, he knows that Custer and the panthers as well as the foxes and you are always roaming around the territory, so he told us not to leave. Plus, I can fly, so he told me if I ever needed to flee, to pick up Baso and fly to camp," April snarks.
"I guess that makes sense, but you guys need to come home, come with me," I turn, not waiting to see if they're following.
The air is getting colder, and I can smell the frost coming. These Skyjolts have no clue what's coming to them. The blizzards, the prey shortage, the running noses and white snowflakes.
The trees are starting to turn brown, orange, gold, and red, and the leaves are falling. Their hidden home will need some adjustments in order to stay hidden.
A chilly breeze brings me back to the present, April was arguing with Baso behind me.
"Please, quit your bickering or I'm going to come back there," I say, using all three of my voices.
The kits squeak and I laugh mentally. Coming upon the ground entrance, I jump up onto the thick branch. It sways slightly under my weight. The kits follow me silently as we push past the entrance brush.
Spirit's eyes are filled with worry, but she brightens up when she sees her kits.
Rushing across the Center, Spirit licks the heads of her kits. "Hello, Spirit," I interrupt.
"Greetings, Moonshadow," she responds, not looking away from Baso's glossy pelt.
"Spirit, I need your attention."


*Spirit's POV*

I turn to Moonshadow curiously, "What is it?"
"This is not a conversation to have out here," she rumbles.
"Okay," was all I said, turning back to my den while the panthers looked at Moonshadow with curiosity.
At the entrance to my den, I stop.
"Storm made an agreement with Midnight and her family," she says hurriedly.
"What?" I growl.
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Custer keeping my kits busy, so I don't worry about them.
"They made an alliance. Storm said he spoke for the settlement when he did. They want our fued to end, and so they ended it," she elaborates.
"So, he ended our fued?" I say mostly to myself.
"He did," she responds.
Well, there's nothing we can do now but wait. Let's see how long our alliance lasts.

A//N: Well! I've finished a book! I hope you liked it and remember to check out Smoth Of Kellar and Strangers- War of Ultimates.

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