Chapter 16- Battle

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*Spirit's POV*
Screeches come from the camp as a tree a kilometer away from us flames up, immediately I knew that it was Midnight's fire and she was trying to lure us out into a battle.
"Everyone! Shut up! They won't find us if we stay silent and low!" I command as everyone flattens to the ground and stays still, not even a breath heard.
There is a catch, she can find us if she either burns these trees or smells our scent, the latter is extremely unlikely because we are next to a wild garlic patch as well as in the middle of a mushroom paradise. Even so, if they make the lucky shot, we could be rushed out of the Settlement into an ambush.
Time goes by without another tree going up, when suddenly the light from the entrance hole is blocked and Midnight's "found you!" followed by a battle cry.
I jump into my group of terrified-kitten looking panthers, snarling and taking battle stance. Storm wasn't even a second behind, and loyal Custer followed suit. As soon as they saw Custer, all my panthers joined, but Meg and Sam scurried into their den. Cowards! Why don't you stand next to your Settlement?
Midnight's eyes flickered, not for long, less than a heartbeat, making me wonder what it was, unease? Envy maybe? My thoughts were interrupted as Moo dropped two angry drcowere pups. They faltered at the sight of all of us, giving me that extra second to gain control.
"Attack!" I screech, launching at Midnight's throat.
The impact caused us to tumble to the ground, I could hear the others battling.
Once we hit the Settlement center,  the bounce caused me to fly off.
Quickly recovering, I turn and face Midnight, who towers over me.
"Stop!" Meg howls, flinging herself between Midnight and myself.
Might night and I lurch apart, staring at the fox between us.
"You can't fight each other! We're all friends!" She exclaims as the rest of the fight stops and watches.
"Not any longer, Meg. Choose a side, Spirit or me, you can't have both," Midnight growls.
Meg's eyes flashed with frustration. I'm guessing she knows there is no way out of this.
She takes a deep breath and sighs. "I can't choose, give me some time," and with that she walks away from us and into her den.
We watch as Sam slowly pads in behind her, murmering quiet things.
The Center explodes into chaos once again with us resuming our battle.
Taking a guess, I jump to the side to avoid her strike, and whip around to see she did.
She lunges again, only to be forced back by Custer's grasp on her tail.
Taking this opportunity, I aim for her eyes, only to have her burn my pads with her flame. She missed the ground luckily but I was still hit.
In rage, I flame up, watching her recoil in disbelief.
I slice her muzzle, only to realize my claws swelling and turning a metal-like color. My second power, from Metal, an old Settlement long ago.
I hit her again and again as she tries to scramble away. Finally she does, shaking the blood from her eyes, she blasts me with fire, only to find it useless.
She gasps and falls to the ground and I see Storm made a perfect shot right into her pelt with an ice spike. He wasn't aiming for her, no. He missed his target.
Midnight flies up shakily from the wound. Seeing her bloody and torn family losing, she calls, "enough! Dracoweres! We're going home! MEG AND SAM YOUR DECISION MUST BE MADE NOW!"
Meg creeps out of the den, in front of many eager eyes for her answer.

A//N: Hey everyone! Hope you like it!

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