Chapter 6- Separated

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"Storm, move that bramble over there," I direct to the entrance with my wing, "make the entrance as strong as possible."
He nods, dragging the bramble and shaping it around the entrance of the trees.
Our camp is made on treetops, except these trees aren't packed together so we had to improvise with thickets and brambles to connect the trees for a solid path.
I look around the campsite, we have a den for sleeping, a den for medicine, a den for food, a den for extra bedding and other extras, and a den for our crap, yes, our crap. Good, now all we need is to secure the ground under our feet and the camps visibility. In other words, we need to see out, and yet let no one see in.
"Meg! Sam! I'm going to fly you two down and you need to make sure our camp is invisible, okay?" I yowl to the two on the tree trunk at the entrance.
"Okay, Spirit!" Sam barks.
I fly over and pick up Sam with my paws, feeling Meg jump onto my back without me having to land. I quickly jolt to the ground, dropping Sam only a few feet while Meg jumps off.
"How humiliating, getting carried by a Skyjolt!" Sam grumbles.
I laugh, "Yes, Sam. But then at the same time you better be glad that a Skyjolt didn't pick you up to munch on your bones."
"Touchè," he nods at me.
"Alright, I'm going to go back to the camp now," I change the subject, "tell me if you can see us."
Flying off, I take the top hole entrance into our camp. Normally, in a usual Skyjolt camp, the entrance is a hole on the top of the leaves, but for Sam and Meg's sake, (who, mind you, can't fly) we needed to make an easy entrance for them.
"Spirit! Storm! We need to do some extra blending, but besides that, it's coming along really well!" I hear Sam call.
"Okay, I'm coming down to get you!" I fly out the entrance again and grab Sam like he's a piece of prey while Meg jumps on me again for that split second I was almost still. I fly up to their entrance and slow to a slow movement, tossing Sam down while Meg jumps off.
"Ow ow ow ow ow ow! I have claw marks in my spine!!" Sam squeaks like a kit.
I laugh again, flying up to my entrance and dropping in to the soft floor, which bounces me up.
"Grab leaves and help me weave them into our camp exterior, it'll camouflage us more," I speak to Storm, getting a mouthful of extra leaves from the extras den.

After we've finished weaving. The sun had begun to set, casting eerie shadows around our camp.
"Spirit," Meg's voice startles me from my pleasure of the dark moment.
"Yes, Megan?" I turn towards her.
"Would it be okay if, well, Sam and I had our own den?" She asks quietly.
"Oh, of course, Meg, we'll get that worked out tomorrow, for now, we should rest," I respond.
"Thank you, Spirit," her eyes get illuminated by the setting sun for just a moment through the leaves.
"No problem," I smile.
As the last light fades from the sky, I slowly pad my way to the den where Storm was already curled up in the back, not yet asleep, and Meg and Sam were curled together at the entrance.
Slowly making my way over, I curl in next to Storm who moves his wing over top of me. We softly purr each other to sleep.

A//N: I didn't have this chapter planned out like I had the others so I was freaking out worrying I'd break my promise on the third day even though I have another day to upload this. But it turned out fine. Also, I slowed the chapter to a lovely mood at the end, it made me feel good. Yes, I realize this whole chapter is them just setting up camp, I'm sorry about that. Next chapter will be Midnight's POV so just be aware. Have a great day or night, everyone. Cya guys!

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