Chapter 13- New Life

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~Time Skip~
*Moo's POV*

They arrived last night, two new pups. Shadow- a fully black female and Lightning- a silvery grey male with white paws and purple feathers.
"So, you're a mother," I say to Midnight.
"You're a father. Isn't that obvious?" She says back while the pups look from her to me and back again.


*Spirit's POV*

"Custer!" I yowl across the training grounds.
"Yes, Spirit?" The panther runs up and lowers his head respectively.
"Take Jingle and Berry," the two 5 moon old panther kits look up at me as I say their names, "to the trees and teach them to tree chase."
"Yes, Spirit," Custer repeats before padding away and calling to the two kits.
I watch Moon, Ivy, Coal, and Jag battle a while longer when someone tugs on my tail. Looking back, I see Storm nodding me away.
Without looking back I command, "Stop! We are done for the day," and follow Storm and he leads me to the lake.
"Yes?" I question.
"Look, I know you have command, but I am your mate and we are equal. Don't give me that pride woven stare you're giving everyone else," his eyes narrow as they catch mine.
"Sorry.." I mutter, loosening up my posture and softening my gaze.
"There we go," he purrs, "the Spirit I am used to looking at."
"Hey," I whisper, an evil glint in my eyes.
"Uh oh," he mutters, slowly backing up, right to where I want him.
Jumping up I hit my paws hard into his chest and he falls into the lake.
He flies out of the lake yelling curses.
He then lands next to me and something slimy hits my face. "EWW WHAT WAS THAT!!!" I screech.
"A fish you idiot!" He yowls over me.
"Oh I'm the idiot?" I pounce on him, grabbing the fish in my teeth and slapping him repeatedly with the fish.
He sputters out fish scales, laughing. I'm laughing too, which makes my drop the fish and roll over next to him.
"OW THAT WAS MY WING!!" He slaps me across the face with his other wing.
"Oh hush, I'm not that heavy!" I growl playfully.
"And who do you think you are?" A voice startles us both. Sitting up, we see a wolf pack. It was the alpha speaking.
"Hello," I say sweetly.
"I'm not here to make friends. This is our drinking hole," the female alpha growls again.
"Oh please, it's big enough for the entire forest," Storm snarls.
"Fine. Let's make a deal then. My pack against you two. If we win, we get the lake and you're banned forever. But if you win, you get it and it's your choice what else," the white alpha's eyes glowed.
"Deal," I start flying up as Storm does on my side.
"Pack! Attack!" She howls.
I felt something tingle in my paws when suddenly I was engulfed in flames. It didn't hurt, no, it'd like it came from me.
I watch the pack scurry away as I landed in the center, scorching the grass beneath my feet but not setting it on fire.
"PACK ATTACK!" The red eyes of the alpha looked at me and I noticed she is probably blind by how she isn't reacting to my flames.
Storm lands heavily next to me as ice spikes shot out from his tail in all directions.
Ice and Coal. Our powers have made their appearance. But since we are from Mix we could have several more.

A//N: Wassup guys! I know the ending is confusing. It will be explained in Smoth Of Kellar, so another reason to check it out. That's all I have to say. Cya!

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