Chapter 2- Anger at the Tree Line

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  Why does my stomach hurt?  My head... I can't think.... I mentally slap myself. Get it together, Spirit! You can't get sick now! Just 'cause you ate something weird.
 For some reason.. I didn't notice Midnight gathering everyone up and hastening them out of the forest. "Spirit! Get your tail over here!" Midnight growls.
 I run to catch up, taking pace next to Storm. Why am I feeling sick? Did I eat something poisonous? Ugh, I have to keep my mind off this.
 Out of the corner of my vision I see Meg flirting with Sam. Good idea! Thanks Meg!
 I shove Storm with my wing and continue on like nothing happened. He snorts and shoves me back. We turn towards each other with a playful snarl.
 "Spirit! Storm!" Midnight growls, stopping us before we tussled.
 "What?" I snarl.
 "You two are acting like pups!" Meg barks.
 My head snaps towards her. "We're teens, we do what teens do," I retort before tackling Storm.
 "Enough!" Midnight growls, blasting purple flames at us.
 We jump apart, barely avoiding  the blast.
 "You almost killed us!" I screech, launching at Midnight with claws unsheathed.
 My paws find their mark, driving the breath out of Midnight. She is tossed across the area, only stopping when she hits a tree.
 She slumps to the ground, winded. I jump on her while I have the chance, holding her muzzle to the ground.
 Midnight's eyes blaze with rage, she shoves me off, for I am much smaller than her. She opens her mouth to roast me alive.
 I shut my eyes, bringing my wing up to vainly shield my face.
 I hear a thump and a coughing fit. I slowly open my eyes, bringing my wing down. Storm's in front of me, eyes wide, wings half out, and tense, shaking; Midnight is on her side in front of him coughing on her side.
 Moo runs up to Midnight, lifting her with his muzzle.
 Red turns away, lumbering to the edge of the tree line. Meg and Sam follow silently close to one another.
 I edge toward Storm, who waits for me before following the others. He looked... alert, and, well, horrified.
 Shifting closer to me, Storm entwines his tail with mine. "You almost died!" his whisper echoing through my brain.
 With sudden realization, I feel sicker than sick. I lean onto Storm the instant I start to sway. He adjusts to this new weight clumsily.
 "You alright there, Spirit?" He asks. Why does he sound so far away...?
 "I'm okay," or at least that's what I try to say... I don't know if I said it or not though.
 The world is spinning, I'm light-headed, I'm growing weaker. I won't stand much longer...
 "C'mon, hang in there, just a little farther," Storm urges. There's no use, the world's already going black.

A//N: I know that Spirit seemed to get sick for no reason. Stay tuned, you'll understand soon. Cya guys!

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