Chapter 8- Light or Dark

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*Back to Spirit*

I wake with dawn light fluttering through our tree camp. Yawning, I stretch, then noticing Storm wasn't next to me. Confused, I walked out of the den and into the Center (the clear area of the camp to hang and do whatever), only to see Storm weaving another den, smaller, but yes, a den, probably for Megan and Sam.
"Hey, Spirit!" Sam speaks first, startling Storm, making him drop his weave and it starts unraveling.
I laugh as Storm struggles to stop the vine. "Look at how well Storm is doi-" Sam turns and stops speaking when he sees his now-half-weaven den.
"Ah, yes, Storm is doing well," I choke out, trying not to giggle while Storm shoots me a look of annoyance.
"Alright, anyway, we need to catch food. Sam, will you get on that?" I ask, not wanting to disturb Meg and her perfection prodding on Storm.
Sam nods, speeding to the fox entrance and squeezing through.
"And Meg," I continue, "would you be willing to go and get a ton of bedding after you are done making everything perfect?"
She nods slowly, not taking her eyes away from Storm's weaving.
"Storm, I'm going to look for herbs that I can use or something as well as food for us, okay?" He shakes his wing at me, mouth too occupied to respond.
"Oh, and if Sam and Meg are back before me, show them how to discard our crap when their turn comes around," I smirk when I hear Meg gasp.
Spreading my wings, I blast through the entrance hole, doing a barrel roll, enjoying the sun on my back. This world isn't too bad! Now, I must focus. Spirit, you're looking for the Moonlit Berry, find it. I remember Sparklingsky's voice exactly. Then I imagine the shinny blue berry. Gliding over the trees, I slowly fold my wings in a tiny bit and let myself half glide, half fall between the trees, landing perfectly on all four paws.

A deer is startled by my landing and runs off, tail waving. Snarling, I chase it down, pouncing and break it's neck, the bone snapping so loudly it rang through the trees, birds flying off with loud alarm calls. I decide to take it back to our settlement before I hunt for herbs.
Slowly, I pick it up using its leg. Mouth watering, I fly back to the entrance and drop it through yelling, "WATCH YOUR HEAD!!!"
All I hear is the slight bounce from its landing then a "OH ITS FOOD!!!!!" From, I'd assume Storm.
"Don't eat it!" I growl, folding my wings in completely, letting myself fall. I land over top of the deer, wings spreading out defensively, stopping Storm in his tracks. "Not yet! Where is Meg and Sam?" I ask.
"Not back yet, but c'mon, staying around here is boring, let's fly!" He proposes, spreading his wings.
I smile, tensing my muscles, "Race you!" I yell.
He just jumps and flies through the entrance at full speed, catching me off guard. After I recover, I jolt off after him. "You damn retard!" I yowl while I hear his laugh from at least 3 meters (9 feet 10 inches) away. Speeding up, I set pace beside him as he slows down to an average pace.
Flying slow, we soon come upon a beautiful lake, green grass beside it and it's glossy surface glimmering in the sun.
"Spirit, let's stop here," Storm taps me with his tail, slowly decending.
I just follow, landing softly in the soft grass beside him. I walk to the water and lap up a few cool drops. It's very sweet.
Next thing I know, I'm soaked.
Scrambling out of the water, I shake, yelling curses at Storm, who just laughs, falling on his back.
Narrowing my eyes, I shove him in with a headbutt. Now it's my turn to laugh as he gets out sloppily, shaking his fur and feathers, eyes wide.
I lay down in the grass after I stop laughing, rolling.
"You getting tired?" Storm asks, sitting down.
"A little," I admit, "can I rest before we head back?"
"Of course," he responds as I slowly lay still.
"Thank you," I let my eyes fall shut.
"I'll make sure no harm comes to you.." That was the last thing I heard.

Waking up, I notice the sun was starting to set. "Oh, you're awake," Storm mumbles from beside me.
"Hey, how long have I been sleeping?" I ask.
"Really not that long, it was getting late anyways," he stands up, "we should get back." He takes off, leaving me to follow.
In the air, we feel weightless. No worries, all freedom. I breathe in sharply, letting the tree scent fall over my senses. But it comes to an end when Storm dips down through our entrance with me following behind. The deer is still here, untouched. Something isn't right. I scent the air, finding only faded scents of both Meg and Sam from this morning.
"Storm..." I start.
"I know. We have to find them," he mutters, "but first, we need to eat."
"Yeah," I settle down, eating quickly. About half way through the meal, there's a blood curdling screech.
"Storm?" I say.
"Cmon!" He yowls, already flying out the entrance.

A//N: hey guys. This chapter is one of my longest, lol. I really don't have anything to say but, hello :) I love to answer comments if you'd like to comment. Anyways, cya guys.

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