Chapter 15- Dracoweres

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We wore ourselves out last night, I can see it, Storm favors his wings and always seems to catch a little shut eye when he can. Not saying I don't, I'm doing the same as him.
Custer pads up to me. "No sign of the dracowere pups, Spirit," he informs me.
"Thanks Custer," I mumble, "could you watch the Settlement while I sleep?"
"Of course, Spirit," he replies.
"Thank you," I yawn, padding into the den where Storm had already curled up.
I lay next to him, but he was way too far into sleep to notice. Soon, I'm sleeping too.


*Custer's POV*

Spirit put me in charge. I hope I can make her and Storm proud. That's all I want to do.
"Coal!" I call to my best friend.
"What is it, Custer?" He pads across the Settlement grounds. It's weird how springy it is, but I guess I shouldn't be surprised since Skyjolts made it.
"I'm in charge while Spirit and Storm are sleeping," I say.
"Of course," he mumbles grouchily.
"Ugh, Coal, you're so grumpy all the time. Just be happy for me this once," I groan.
"Fine, congratz on being the most trusted in Settlement," he says sarcastically.
"I'm hungry, let's go find something to eat," Coal turns and walks towards the entrance.
"Sorry Coal, I'm in charge. I can't leave camp, but please, by all means go find some food," I sit slowly.
"I'M NOT BRINGING ANY BACK FOR YOU!" he informs me over his shoulder.
I watch him leave until Ivy's tailtip startles me.
"Oh, hey Ivy," I say, looking up at her holding a deer leg.
"You look hungry," she drops the deer leg next to me and pushes it closer.
Brightening up I eat it gratefully.
She watches me with happy satisfaction. I like her a lot, by I don't have the nerve to tell her yet.
"Custer..." She starts, taking a breath.
"Yes, Ivy?" I mumble through the food in my mouth.
"I've liked you for some time now..." Her ears flatten, embarrassed.
"That's great! I like you too!" I exclaim happily.
"You do?" She asks, ears parking up again.
"Of course! I've wanted to ask you if you'll be my mate for some time now, but I never got the nerve. Now I don't need to worry!" I finish my food and nuzzle her.
She purrs happily.
"Uh, I don't mean to interrupt your lovefest but the dracoweres are back," Moon mumbles, startling us both.
"They are?" I turn towards her.
"Yes, but then the adults as too," Moon's tail is waving, she's ready to attack.
"Everyone!" I raise my voice, startling them.
"The dracoweres are back but it's not only them, the parents are with them! Fighting stance! Moon, take a count, make sure everyone is here," I say and turn towards the Skyjolts' den.
They look adorable, wings wrapped around each other and muzzles touching as they lightly snore. The light muffled their colors together so the only difference you can see is the bright colored wings.
I clear my throat and hiss, "Spirit, Storm, I'm sorry to disturb you but we have dracowere problems."
Spirit opens her eyes in a snap, standing up and padding out with eyes ablaze as if she wasn't sleeping at all. Although Storm took his time in openening his eyes.
"STORM, GET OUT HERE," she yowls into the den as he picks up his pace and runs to her side.
As for me, I take my time to go out.
"Everyone! Direct your attention to Spirit and Storm!" I yowl as heads turn.
"Thank you, Custer," Spirit says as Storm waves me off with his tail.
"Okay, look, dracoweres are in our territory. The little ones have already destroyed our settlement once, time to show them we don't like trespassers. Moon and Custer with Storm; Claw and Ivy with me," Spirit commands just as a tree goes up in purple flames.

A//N: yes yes, I'm very late, I'm so sorry. I'm sick and have a ton of homework, please forgive my soul.

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