Chapter 20

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*Storm's POV*

Her heart is pounding, I can hear it in my ears. Her fear and adrenaline is plusing through me as well.
"Spirit!" I call, even though she is right next to me, her wide eyes and beating heart don't know.
"Mom!" I hear the screech through the woods. Baso.
Spirit's gaze snaps toward the sound, and before I can stop her, she's gone.
I almost take off after her, but I stop myself. I look at the spooked panthers around me. "Ivy!" I shout.
She quickly tuns up and dips her head respectfully.
"Follow Spirit!" I commanded, facing to the rest of them, "Everyone else, stay alert and search camp."
Pacing across the mesh ground, Ivy bolts back in the entrance.

"Storm! Spirit wants you!"
I didn't take a second look. I bolted out and landed with a hard thump onto the forest floor, running after Ivy's scent.
Trees whirl by as I run, but I agilely dodge them.
Soon, I stumble upon Spirit, back arched at the strangest creature I've ever seen.


*Moonshadow's POV*

I hold the kit tightly against my stomach, one head looking down at him while the others look calmly at Spirit. Her back was arched and she was spitting furiously.
"I'm not going to hurt him," my voice is echoed by my second and third head.
One head snaps towards a sound in the bushes while the other stays on Spirit.
Her ears twitch and her nose does too.
"Ivy! Get Storm, now," she commands, not taking her eyes off me at all.
I watch the ear tips of the cat disappear before turning that head back to Spirit.
"As I said before, Skyjolt, I'm not going to hurt your kit. I just want to talk," I spit the word "Skyjolt".
"Hand over Baso!" She growls at me, taking a step closer.
I laugh, the three different voices dizzying Spirit herself.
"Oh, Spirit, I can't do that," I say matter-of-factly, wrapping my twelve tails around the kit, completely covering it so it looks like it's not even there anymore.
It's shaking and I can feel how confused and terrified the little one is.
I dip one head down and lick it's head reassuringly, whispering coos into its ear.
My other two heads stay firmly on Spirit, who is starting to sway out of anger.
Again, a sound erupts from the bushes, bringing forth the male Skyjolt, who just stares at me like I had a tree growing out of me.
"Let's talk, and maybe I'll think about giving you your kit back," I propose one last time.
Spirit sighs in defeat, sitting down. "Alright, what would you like to talk about?" She says sheepishly.
"I'm going to tell you a story."


*Spirit's POV*

Storm settles down next to me, rubbing his shoulder on mine as we watch this creature remove her tails and show Baso.
"So you see, back on my home planet, a long time ago, lived the Nightwatchers. They were proud beings, living on their own. But, they had a fear. Even though they could turn invisible and had powers, they didn't stand a chance against the dominant species.
"These two species always fought for top. They didn't care about the creatures who got in their way. Who were destroyed while they fought for dominance. The Nightwatchers had been warned about their coming, but had been too late to run. They fought against the two dominant species, but in the end, lost miserably.
"One little one was sent away, on an escape pod, to try and survive elsewhere. With only the memories of her family and their history, she was blasted off into space," The creature took a shaky breath.
I stared at her, completely interested. Storm was still at my side and was rubbing against me while she spoke.
The creature seemed to relax a bit and started again, "She landed on a strange land, but a beautiful one, full of hope and new chances. 70 years went by, and nothing happened. That is, until she spotted them. Skyjolts and dracoweres. But no, they didn't come after her, they completely forgot about the Nightwatchers and the one who got away. You know who that Nightwatcher is, Spirit?"
I take this in slowly, then it clicked. The creature in front of me was no other than the Nightwatcher herself. The one my ancestors obliviated in their haste to win.
"You're the Nightwatcher..." I mumble as Storm freezes beside me.
"I am, Spirit," the Nightwatcher speaks with all three heads, all at once, making my brain swirl at the different voices.
"I-I'm really sorry, Nightwatcher, sorry for what my ancestors unrightfully did to your kind. You must have been lonely," I apologize, meaning every word I say.
All six eyes of hers stare directly into mine, disorienting me. Then, she does the unexpected and lets go of Baso, and watches him run towards me and into my stomach, curling up.
"You are fine, Spirit, it's not yours nor Storm's fault. It's Midnight's and her father, Thorn's fault," she says to me.
I never saw your mother again after Thorn split me. Thundersfog words replay in my mind.
Thorn? Thorn is Midnight's father? Maybe there is more behind Midnight than I thought.

A//N: hey y'all! I know this is taking some time, but thanks for staying by me. This chapter is one of my longest lol.

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