Chapter 19

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Ever since I found him in the woods, I've always checked up on him. Baso is a strong kit.
"What's with the kit? Why do you love him so much?" Storm growls.
I turn to face my mate, his face was a mixture of confusion and anger.
"Well, I found him through my own heartbeat. We are connected," I respond truthfully, pressing Baso to my stomach.
"Fine. Just remember that you're going to have kits of your own. Don't let the adopted one ruin their lives," Storm warns me, padding away to talk to Custer.
Dandelion chuckles behind me, resting her tail on my shoulder, "Don't worry, hun. He's just upset that you have found something not of his blood to be obsessed over. He'll get used to Baso. Just wait."
"I hope you're right, Dandelion," I sigh.
I look down at Baso, only to realize that his wide blue eyes we're staring at my curiously.
"Baso! You opened your eyes!" I purr, licking between his ears.
The kit looks back and forward between Dandelion and me, confusion crossing his gaze.
"Who's my mother?" He asks.
Dandelion's eyes soften. "Neither of us are, you are adopted. But, Spirit is the one who claims you. I just feed you," she mumbles.
"Yes, I am your adopted mother. You can come to me for anything," I promise Baso.
I will be the best mother any kit has ever had! I vow silently to the kit, and my unborn ones.
I feel the kit's eyes boring into mine.
"Yes, Baso?" I look back down into his.
"So, I'm adopted son of the leader?" He asks.
"Yes, my dear, you are," I smile.
Out of the corner of my eye, Dandelion moves away, back to her own little ones.
"So I'm one of the safest kits in this camp?" He asks.
"Yes, one of the safest. I won't ever let you be hurt," I promise him.


*Moonshadow's POV*

She pomised that kit with such certainty...
The kit that's not even hers...
I'm starting to think that Skyjolts aren't all coldhearted monsters.
Hiding in camp again is not a good idea, especially since they aren't distracted by war this time. But I can't help it, I really want to watch Spirit and test out her love for her adopted son.
Yes, I heard everything. I've been hiding here for a while.
Let's wait... Until the kit is alone.


*Storm's POV*

I'm not pissed, I keep repeating to myself.
She's my mate, and she has found a kit that she loves.
IT'S NOT EVEN HER OWN!!! Who cares? Anyone can love an adopted kit. Including my mate.
But she's carrying her own... This makes me growl. Give the kit up and focus on your own!
"Storm?" Custer breaks me from my thoughts.
"What do you want, Custer?" I growl.
"Don't be mad at Spirit, please," he meows.
I turn towards him, enraged. "How dare you tell me how to act around my mate!" I hiss.
He backs away, slowly, step by step. "All I'm asking is that you accept Baso..." He mumbles.
"Out!" I screech.
His eyes go wide as he turns and flees.
He has a point, I argue to myself.
I hear Spirit screech, and I bolt out of the den.

A//N: here's thy update :D I don't know what to call it lol

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