Chapter 5- Legends (pt. 1)

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"What's got you so hyped?" Moo speaks before Midnight could.
"I've figured out who my father is!" I bounce on my paws.
"How? Didn't he like, die before you were born? Most importantly, Sparklingsky never spoke of him," Midnight taps her tail impatiently as a fish jumped in the stream.
"The sickness I had... it must bring back memories everyone should know. For me it was Thundersfog, and how our boyfriends became  stowaways, and my destiny. For you guys... I don't know, you should figure it out," a ramble out just as a cloud moves away from the sun, casting my shadow below my paws.
Moo suddenly laughs a throaty laugh, catching me off guard. "Being sick must have gotten into your head. You should go lay back down," Moo snorts after he finishes laughing.
"Wait... no," Sam appears behind me, making me jump, whacking Storm with my wing in the process, makjng a tiny sound of "ow" come from him, "There are legends..." before he could continue, Midnight growled, "Not this crap again."
Moo silenced Midnight with a snarl, nodding for Sam to continue.
Sam quickly starts where he left off, "According to legends, a certain rare animal that has been caught and or eaten by another has been known to make the catcher sick, then shows them prophesies or visions while they sleep. Although this is extremely rare, for the last recorded incident was about three thousand years ago. I took further studies on this topic and found that this animal can give us up to thousands of years of life to its host or hostess that has special powers in its eyes. Only problem, it was never recorded to what it looks like, for in all recorded cases, the animal has looked different each time, like it takes different forms."
Storm looks at Sam, puzzled, "So does that mean my mate ate a legendary special that may or may not have given her extra life?"
Sam tilts his head, just as the other creatures in our group gathered around, "Well, sort of. We won't know until she is on the brink of death. You see, this legend doesn't have enough power to just give her life here and now. It waits inside her until she becomes weak and starts to die, then it can penetrate her weak life force and give her the gift of life.
"Sometimes, at random times, the legendary spirit may just take over the body in times of crisis to avoid immediate death. So, really, it becomes a small companion to its host/hostess," Sam pauses to take a breath.
"Or really, it could give it's hostess immortality," a new raspy voice adds.
We all turn to the voice, seeing a large brown bear come out of the forest.
The bear continues, "Sometimes, since it can avoid death by fall or physical harm, it can turn you immortal. It had no limit to how many times it can revive a soul instead of leaving after reviving you the first time. But no worries, if you're done with living one of the times you're dying, you can say a simple chant that let's it know it doesn't need to save you anymore and it's free. Their only goal is to make its host happy."
"What happens to it after it leaves your soul?" I ask, too curious to ask the bear's name.
"Well, it j-" Sam starts the same time the bear does, but stops for the bear.
"No, no, please, explain," the bear invites.
Sam nods, "It leaves and takes form of a random animal, so the process starts all over again."
"Exactly. So, actually, the host or hostess is blessed with a spirit," the bear ends.
"Who may you be?" I ask suddenly.
The bear laughs softly, "I'm Klee. Ever since I was born I could see strong spirits, names, and conditions of other animals. For example, Meg and Sam are mates, as well as Spirit and Storm, Moo and Midnight. And then how Red is satisfied all alone," the bear smirks.
"That's not enough proof, Klee, it's bullcrap," Midnight spits.
"Very well, Midnight. Here's more proof. You're pregnant."

A//N: I hope you guys are enjoying this. It is really fun to make. Also check out Hidden:YouTube by BlackWolfGaming, it's really good. Cya guys!

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