Chapter 1: Arena

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The cage lifted as I was welcomed to the arena. My nose flared, at the smell of dirt and death.I could practically feel the excitement rolling off the crowd in waves, but my face remained emotionless. "LADY'S AND GENTLEMEN, PLEASE WELCOME THE ONE AND ONLY, "MERCY!!!!"

The crowds applause thundered around me, nearly shaking the entire arena.I heard my father's words recite in my head "Mercy, kill with no regret and shred any hope your opponent has."

I watched the cage from the other side of me start to open.A large, buff man sauntered out. "FROM THE OTHER SIDE OF THE ARENA, PLEASE WELCOME "SAW!!!!!"

"Saw", grinned at the announcer before turning back to me "Just so you know, I don't take pride in killing HOT woman, but I guess I can make an exception."

He was baiting me, attempting to get some kind of emotion out of me. But little did he know that I sold my heart long ago.

The announcer fired the first shot from his shot gun in the air. I felt my body heat up as if on fire and pain shot in my bones.Saw was whining and groaning about his shift the entire time.

Once in my pure dark wolf, I let the inner beast take over, he was barely going to last thirty mins.

The second shot fired in the air, launching the battle in motion.We stalked each other as if it were a graceful dance, each motion gracefully connected to another.I snarled viciously as Saw made a step toward me. He attempted to bite my left front leg but it was to late.I was already seeing red.When he tried to attack, he had left his neck unprotected.

In a fierily haze, I sank my canines into his fur,drinking in the fear and pain he was projecting. He wriggled, causing more blood to flow down my jaw from his neck. I felt his body go limp but I was far from done.I tore out the chunk of skin I was latched onto and spit it out. Next,I clamped my jaws on his arm tearing it from the socket before shredding that too. I tore his body apart in shreds as the announcer and crowd feared their lives.

My vision turned back to normal as I shifted to my human form, not caring about my nudity. My eyes snapped back at the crowd and the announcer. All my fights ended like this, and it scared the heck out of them each time, yet they always came back for more. The announcer gulped nervously before turning to the eerily silent crowd, "WELL,THERE YOU HAVE IT! ANOTHER WIN FOR MERCY!!!!"

The side of my placement opened and I walked back. I already knew that there were guards picking up the scraps of his remains as my wolf howled for more blood inside me.

Right when I was inside, the cage slammed shut. Fighters in the arena were huddled in the corner watching my fight on the tv. They smelled of fear and excitement.

This was who we are, cold blooded killers looking for a way to live.

The fight on the tv ended and Colton( A guy I sometimes talk to) made his way over and stood next to me. "Nice fight Mercy, looks like another win for your perfect record, huh?"I nodded my head as my mind went to my first arena battle.


"LADY'S AND GENTLEMEN, PLEASE WELCOME FANG AND HIS DAUGHTER IN A SIBLING ROUND!!!" The crowd eroded in excitement that made the tears rush harder down my face. The cage where my dad would come in, finally opened.

Dad was at least 6ft 2,with a scar running down the length of his face. He was a cold almost rigid person but he always told me that was the only way he could survive.I looked at him in terror begging him to find a way to stop this fight.

The sibling round was when they put family together to fight for the death.The most devastating battles were when it was a parent and child.Most parents would let their child defeat them so the child could have a at least one more day to live.But there is always that one adult that puts his or her life over their child. And the parent usually always wins. I couldn't help but wonder what kind of parent my dad was?

A shot rang in the air, causing me to snap out of my thoughts. I watched dad turn into a large black wolf with a bit of gray hair and the pink scar running down its face. I felt the burning heat and my bones painfully snapping into place, transforming me to my black wolf with green eye's. I whimpered and tried to etch closer to my father but he remained stone cold.

Finally, the second shot rang out and he gave a vicious snarl, he was going to try and kill me.He swung a meaty claw at me, cutting into my right shoulder. I let out a yelp of pain and reacted on instinct, clamping my jaws on his leg.He yanked it back too fast and it broke in my jaws.The sight also broke my heart, I was fighting to the death with my father.

I snapped out of it as I saw him pouncing on me,Trying to rip my throat out.I used my body weight to flip us over,trying to release his hold on my neck.When that didn't work I started to slash his body with my claws.He released and tried to get out from distance of my claw. The pain in my neck was sharp and throbbing and added to the fire on my chest,cause me to be unsteady on my feet. Rage consume me as my vision turned red.

My wolf took over fully while yelling in my head."HOW DARE HE DO THIS TO US"she screamed,causing me to visibly flinch from the volume of her voice. I ran towards him at full speed while snarling, he deserved to die.My body heated up at a impossible range as I slammed into him, while drinking in his fear. That was when I noticed I was on fire.I ripped his throat open, watching as he was engulfed in flames. But I wasn't satisfied, something snapped and I ripped him to shreds and set half the arena on fire,causing chaos. The crowed suddenly froze,while staring at me. My eyes had turned red.


I remember how they had at least 20 guards restrain me and put me in refinement for at least 8 years.

This was my second year out of my refinement cell and I still battle for my life every day.After that fight I have been incapable of having emotions.The world was cruel and only the strongest survived.

Shaking it off,I regained focus and realized I have been spacing out for awhile. Colton looked at me with an emotion that was foreign to me,concern?"Mercy, are you ok?You've been spacing out on me for awhile."

"I'm fine,Colton" as I said those words I felt unease roll through my stomach,something was going to happen today,something big.

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