Chapter 23 : Messy problems

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Chapter 23

(Mercy's POV)

They stood across from us. Eagerly gripping their green, leathery palms together, waiting to crush our bones with their sheer strength. Groups of werewolf packs stood beside them, carefully keeping a safe distance in between.

"The size of these green warriors were easily laughable, but in the blink of an eye, you could be inhaling your last breath of air. Trolls were vicious little things. Their skin is so thick that if you do not bite the soft spot on their necks correctly, then you will easily break a tooth, in your human form and wolf form.

Their disadvantages are their speed and inability to keep balance, and agility. So your best bet against them is to stay on your toes. Understand?"

The million of wolves and rouges behind me, howled in agreement. Dace clasped our hands together and gave me a tight squeeze that said,'It's time.'
Without a word, I shifted into my wolf and howled a battle cry. Our paws, pounded against the grass as we raced head on, towards the trolls and werewolf packs.

Sickening smiles, spread across their faces as they waddled in our direction, killing whatever got in their way. Including their own kind. That was the way they are....... monsters. The thriving monstrosities of the witches that are shunned and brutally tortured because they are the results of a witches mistake.

In a way, they kind of remind me of myself. How ironic.

Finally covering the large distance in between the to sides, we clashed together in a fury of bloodlust. Pained shrieks rang through the air but if you took your eyes off your opponent, then you are basically asking to die.

I've lost sight of Dace but I wasn't worried because if he was hurt, I would feel it through the mate bond.

Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed a wolf struggling with a troll. Snarling, I ran towards them, causing the troll to drop the pup out of surprise.

"You little mutt!" he spat angrily,

Raising my hackles, I growled lowly before pouncing. Rolling around on the ground, I used my claws to scratch cuts into his skin, trying to get a clear shot of his neck but I was too slow. With a grunt of irritation, the pudgy creature grabbed my tail in his tight grip and yanked hard. Definitely breaking some bones as I gritted my canines together in pain.

The pup who I had thought ran away, suddenly jumped onto the trolls back, turning the fight into more of a bull riding game. Although the pup was a lot more taller, the troll still found away to keep the wolf away from his weakness. Shakily getting back on my feet, I caught a clear view of his neck and I quickly lunged.

My teeth painfully dug into his soft spot and he let out a horrified shriek, before turning into dust. If it took two of us to fight this one, than I wonder how the others are doing? I began searching for another opponent, when I felt a sharp pain in my chest.


Quickly sniffing the air, I bolted in the direction of his scent. Leaping over dead bodies and snarling at anyone in my way. Pain radiated from my arm and I nearly gasped, it felt as if someone were breaking and rearranging my bones. Shaking it off, I franticly looked around and my vision turned red at the sight.



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