Chapter 20 : Plans

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Chapter 20

(Mercy's POV)

I honestly don't know why I'm still here.

I've had many opportunities to run away but something is holding me back. All my years of fighting in the arena, hoping for freedom was flushed down the drain. Cause here I am, once again being detained and restricted of my freedom. For once in my life, I wanted to be able to run freely on the forest ground. No one chasing me, not hunting someone, just simply letting the wind flow through the waves of my fur.

But as everyday passes by, my dream floats farther away. It's hard to live freely when everyone's trying to detain you. But I guess this fate was deemed on every werewolf. Having to stay with one person for the rest of your life, just because the gods say so.

It wasn't fair. It isn't fair!

I kept my eyes locked onto the steel door that stood between me and my freedom. My ears listening for any sudden movements, making sure that Dace was no where close to me. Even though I could easily over power him, my body still felt physically drained and because my wolf was still healing, I couldn't shift.

I was as useless as a human right now, and I would have to escape like a human as well.

With nothing but the clothes on my back, I slammed open the door and ran. Leaves and branches licked my cheeks and grabbed at my clothes but I kept running. I knew it wouldn't be long until Dace found out I was gone. He probably has already noticed my scent fading and shifted into his wolf, tracking me down.

The thought had my legs pumping, faster as I dodged the trees quickly. Hearing the sound of thundering paws, right on my trail. My weakened senses couldn't tell if it was Dace or not, but frankly I could care less.

Suddenly the one paw of paws behind me multiplied and I knew I had no chance of getting away. Although I find it cowardly to run away like I'm doing right now, I couldn't stop the feeling to flee. I couldn't reach my wolf and I was panicking as six wolves started to close in on me. Through thick and thin, my wolf has always been there for me in one way or another, but I was completely alone. And I was scared.

Yes, even the big bad wolf can get scared when six bulky wolves look at you like your a piece of meat.

Their fur was dirty and I could smell their stench from miles away. But what really stood out, was the million small scars on their bodies. They were from the arena. I straightened my back and erased any trace of fear on my face. A large grey wolf in the front shifted, not bothering to cover up his male body.

"We need your help, Mercy."

I wasn't surprised that he knew my name but I couldn't help but lift my eyebrow mockingly,

"You need help, from me?"

He nervously shifted his weight, not knowing that I was incapable of shifting,

"Were planning on attacking illegal arenas."

My eyes narrowed threateningly,

"Who says I want to bring down illegal arenas? What if I like to kill?"

His eyes widened and the wolves around him stumbled back. My ears picked up another pair of footsteps and I faintly could catch Daces scent. The wolves took off running but before he shifted ha looked back at me,

"If you change your mind, meet us at the old arena."

I nodded my head and he took that as a sign to take off. I repressed a sigh and started walking towards Dace's direction.

"What's the point of running if too many people want to catch me."

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